
archway n.拱道;拱洞。

Apart from the “ gate “ and the brooks , there are some other scenic spots in this area that are worth visiting . a series of taoist - related spots ; a group of archways that are very rare cultural heritages in the region and so on , all of which enhance the attractiveness of this scenic district “門” “溪”之外,景區西首尚有一系列帶“仙”字的景點,散水巖在雁山眾瀑中獨具風姿,南閣牌樓群是雁蕩少有的人文景觀,這些皆可視為顯勝門的“和弦” 。

Peppino , turning around , shouted , “ a fowl for his excellency ! “ his voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half - naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands 他這句話的回聲還在甬道里回蕩未絕,一個英俊和藹赤膊的年輕人便出現了,他頭頂著一只銀盤走過來,并不用手去抹,銀盤里盛著一只雞。

At the middle of the steps there is a stone archway called “ shengxianfeng “ which means a person passing by the archway will immediately become a celestial being 云梯中間有一石坊,叫“升仙坊” 。這架云梯,高掛天門,矗立于懸崖之間,化天險為通途,使游人得以攀登而上,直達天門。

The archway entrance , or “ dajhong jhihjheng “ , faces jhongshan s . rd . and is 30 meters high and 80 meters wide 正牌樓大中至正門,面臨中山南路,高三十公尺,寬八十公尺,距紀念堂中心線四百七十公尺。

Two precipitious rocks setting face to face are called a “ gate “ in the yandang mountian area , archways at nanhe 雁蕩山中稱“門”的景點多達十幾處,而以顯勝門為最。

Large blackfire fumed pieces entitled “ archway “ , “ portal “ and “ entrance “ in another section of the studio 名稱分別為拱門大門入口處放在工作室的另一角


Apart from the “ gate “ and the brooks , there are some other scenic spots in this area that are worth visiting . a series of taoist - related spots ; a group of archways that are very rare cultural heritages in the region and so on , all of which enhance the attractiveness of this scenic district “門” “溪”之外,景區西首尚有一系列帶“仙”字的景點,散水巖在雁山眾瀑中獨具風姿,南閣牌樓群是雁蕩少有的人文景觀,這些皆可視為顯勝門的“和弦” 。

The qing hua hall , the yi hua hall , the xu ri pavilion and the zhong miao zhi men archway were constructed subsequently . besides , gardens and plants have been added . later , more structures have been built and pictures and calligraphies have been put on display 自首座純陽殿于一九六一年落成后,青華堂、翊化宮、旭日亭、眾妙之門牌樓等相繼增建,嗣后不斷廣辟庭園,廣植四時花木,增設池榭樓臺、九龍彩壁等,以及怡情書畫,醒世聯文。

But in spite of his determined air , in the toistsky gate the crowd , probably unaware of his patriotic object in going to the kremlin , so pushed him against the wall , that he was obliged to submit and stand still , while carriages drove in with a rumbling sound under the archway 但是在三座門里,不管他多么果敢,人們大概不知道他去克里姆林宮抱著多大的愛國熱枕,硬是把他擠到墻上,當馬車隆隆駛過拱門時,他不得不屈服,只好停住了。

In addition , a triple - story , decorated archway with a pre - war frontispiece wall featuring profound classical taste and the artistic touch of traditional buildings has been built right opposite to li chit garden in li chit street after the garden s reconstruction 此外,位于李節街的李節花園,重建后在其對出的休憩用地興建了一座樓高三層、具有戰前建筑物正面外墻特色的樓牌,深具傳統建筑物的古典味道與藝術感。

In barely one kilometer length , the perilous trail has to elevate itself to a vertical height of 400 meters . one has to scale 1594 stone steps to reach shengxianfang ( archway ) meaning a person passing through the archway will immediately become a celestial being 路程不到1公里,垂直比高卻達400米,攀蹬石階1594級,路途險峻陡峭,登至升仙坊,開始進入“仙界” ,沿途危崖壁立,怪石嶙峋。

In barely one kilometer length , the perilous trail has to elevate itself to a vertical height of 400 meters . one has to scale 1594 stone steps to reach shengxianfang archway meaning a person passing through the archway will immediately become a celestial being 路程不到1公里,垂直比高卻達400米,攀蹬石階1594級,路途險峻陡峭,登至升仙坊,開始進入“仙界” ,沿途危崖壁立,怪石嶙峋。

Peppino , turning around , shouted , “ a fowl for his excellency ! “ his voice yet echoed in the archway when a handsome , graceful , and half - naked young man appeared , bearing a fowl in a silver dish on his head , without the assistance of his hands 他這句話的回聲還在甬道里回蕩未絕,一個英俊和藹赤膊的年輕人便出現了,他頭頂著一只銀盤走過來,并不用手去抹,銀盤里盛著一只雞。

Visitors enter through a high archway and they find themselves in the cobbled courtyard , where there are , amongst other facilities , the hayloft cafe , the carriage house shop , a bookshop , a pottery , and a working glassblower ' s studio 它占地1000多英畝,包括園地,草坪,林木花園,湖泊,噴泉以及規模宏大的玫瑰園,在這個玫瑰園里種植了許多古老的和現代的玫瑰品種。

The people of zhangzhou and quanzhou in fujian province hold wen wang - yeh in great reverence . the boat burning ritual takes place every three years at the imposing ceremonial archway in front of tungkang s resplendent tung - lung temple 東港東隆宮前有氣派牌樓廟中金碧輝煌,每三年一次的王船祭,將整船的紙扎洋房華服,及豬牛羊等三牲燒給王爺享用。

Built in 1750 , the archway of modesty , is a structure with four pillars . the emperor qianlong of qing dynasty wrote “ han xu ” and “ yan xiu ” . these two words describe the beauty of this imperial garden 涵虛牌樓:建于1750年,它有四柱,主樓石額東西刻有“涵虛” 、 “罨秀”為乾隆親筆寫的御書,暗喻頤和園這座皇家園林的美麗。

This combination of influences is illustrated by the city ' s robust walls , archways and vaults , courtyards and open spaces , and the intricate baroque decoration of its facades 城市靈動的城墻、拱門、拱形屋頂、院子、開闊的空間,以及建筑正面復雜的巴洛克式裝飾,這些都表明了歐洲與本土風格的雙重影響。

At the middle of the steps there is a stone archway called “ shengxianfeng “ which means a person passing by the archway will immediately become a celestial being 云梯中間有一石坊,叫“升仙坊” 。這架云梯,高掛天門,矗立于懸崖之間,化天險為通途,使游人得以攀登而上,直達天門。

At about 5 yesterday morning , in guozijian street , dongcheng district , a beam was broken off an archway on the west side of the imperial college by a construction excavator trying to drive past 昨日凌晨5時許,東城區國子監街,國子監西側一牌樓被試圖駛過的施工挖土車撞斷橫梁。