
archivist n.檔案保管人。

The body of statutory law set out in this volume was in force , as amended , at the end of 1999 . this volume sets out session law as originally enacted by congress and published by the archivist of the united states as slip law and later in the series united states statutes at large as subsequently amended , if applicable . amendments are incorporated into the text and distinguished by a footnote 國際統一私法協會unidroit - the international institute for the unification of private law以下簡稱“協會“最早成立于1926年,當時是作為國際聯盟的一個輔助性機構,在國際聯盟解體后又于1940年根據多邊協議- “國際統一私法協會章程“重新設立。

Aiming at the problems in document management during the highway engineering construction , this paper brings forward the ways and technologies about realizing of automatic filing , dynamic and premeditated management and safety management and so on . a solution is set up based on the network technology , and a feasible strategy is provided . the solution provides the academic and technical base for development of document management system ( dms ) in highway engineering construction , and changes the traditional mode of edm , lightens the archivists “ labor intensity , enhances the quality of documents , expedites the transfers of the information , makes engineering quality being controlled easily 本文根據目前公路工程項目施工階段文檔管理存在的問題,在工程文檔管理工作需求分析的基礎上,提出了工程文檔的自動組卷、計劃與動態管理和安全管理等的實現方法和相關技術,建立了基于網絡技術的文檔管理方案,并提出了方案的實施策略,從而為公路工程施工文檔管理系統的開發設計和工程文檔的數字化管理奠定了理論與技術基礎。

The electors record their votes on six “ certificates of vote , “ which are paired with the six remaining original “ certificates of ascertainment . “ the electors sign , seal and certify the packages of electoral votes and immediately send them to the president of the senate , the archivist of the united states and other designated federal and state officials 接著在七月,李總統就兩岸接觸的模式,提出特殊國與國關系論;大家期盼已久的美中世貿組織協議在十一月達成;還有有人稱為西雅圖之戰的世貿組織會議,在十二月初召開。

As soon as election results are final , the states prepare seven “ certificates of ascertainment “ of the electors chosen , and send one original along with two certified copies to the archivist of the united states 然而,我以為沒有其他的會議像我們這個會的主題,即亞太地區的安全,將對這么多人將來的和平、繁榮與安定有如此大的影響。


The production and business operation entities shall report , according to the relevant provisions of the state , the substantial hazardous sources and the corresponding safety measures and emergency measures to the administrative department and other relevant departments of the local people ' s government in charge of the supervision and administration of production safety for archivist purposes 生產經營單位應當按照國家有關規定將本單位重大危險源及有關安全措施、應急措施報有關地方人民政府負責安全生產監督管理的部門和有關部門備案。

Article 33 production and business operation entities shall have archivist files for substantial hazardous sources , make regular checks , appraisals , supervisions and controls , make emergency plans , and inform the employees and other relevant people of the emergency measures that should be taken under emergent circumstances 第三十三條生產經營單位對重大危險源應當登記建檔,進行定期檢測、評估、監控,并制定應急預案,告知從業人員和相關人員在緊急情況下應當采取的應急措施。

The body of statutory law set out in this volume was in force , as amended , at the end of 1999 . this volume sets out session law as originally enacted by congress and published by the archivist of the united states as slip law and later in the series united states statutes at large as subsequently amended , if applicable . amendments are incorporated into the text and distinguished by a footnote 國際統一私法協會unidroit - the international institute for the unification of private law以下簡稱“協會“最早成立于1926年,當時是作為國際聯盟的一個輔助性機構,在國際聯盟解體后又于1940年根據多邊協議- “國際統一私法協會章程“重新設立。

Aiming at the problems in document management during the highway engineering construction , this paper brings forward the ways and technologies about realizing of automatic filing , dynamic and premeditated management and safety management and so on . a solution is set up based on the network technology , and a feasible strategy is provided . the solution provides the academic and technical base for development of document management system ( dms ) in highway engineering construction , and changes the traditional mode of edm , lightens the archivists “ labor intensity , enhances the quality of documents , expedites the transfers of the information , makes engineering quality being controlled easily 本文根據目前公路工程項目施工階段文檔管理存在的問題,在工程文檔管理工作需求分析的基礎上,提出了工程文檔的自動組卷、計劃與動態管理和安全管理等的實現方法和相關技術,建立了基于網絡技術的文檔管理方案,并提出了方案的實施策略,從而為公路工程施工文檔管理系統的開發設計和工程文檔的數字化管理奠定了理論與技術基礎。

Barbara ryan , associate director for geography of usgs , mr . jay feuquay , usgs s program coordinator for land remote sensing , mr . larry pettinger , remote sensing scientist of usgs , dr . bryan bailey , remote sensing scientist of eros data center , and mr . john faundeen , archivist of usgs eros data center , visited cuhk and attended the signing ceremony 當天由美國專程來港出席儀式的嘉賓包括美國地質調查局副局長barbararyan女士、地面遙感項目協調員jayfeuquay先生、遙感科學家larrypettinger先生、以及美國地質調查局地球資源觀測系統數據中心的遙感科學家bryanbailey博士和檔案主管johnfaundeen先生。

In the mean time , archivists can supervise the filing during construction . the quality of filing records and the number of files can be controlled effectively . the solution suggests that paper records and electronic records should be kept in the same time for the limit of archives laws and convenience of access and search 該方案的實施,將改變傳統的工程文檔管理模式,降低工程文檔管理人員的勞動強度,提高工程文檔內在質量和傳輸效率,便于工程質量的控制;同時,使檔案部門能真正做到對施工過程中的工程文檔數量和組卷質量管理和控制,實現工程文件檔案一體化管理。

The electors record their votes on six “ certificates of vote , “ which are paired with the six remaining original “ certificates of ascertainment . “ the electors sign , seal and certify the packages of electoral votes and immediately send them to the president of the senate , the archivist of the united states and other designated federal and state officials 接著在七月,李總統就兩岸接觸的模式,提出特殊國與國關系論;大家期盼已久的美中世貿組織協議在十一月達成;還有有人稱為西雅圖之戰的世貿組織會議,在十二月初召開。

Article 7 the archives institutions or archivists of state organs , public organizations , enterprises , institutions and other organizations shall be responsible for preserving the archives of their own units and supervise and direct the archival work of their subordinate units 第七條機關、團體、企業事業單位和其他組織的檔案機構或者檔案工作人員,負責保管本單位的檔案,并對所屬機構的檔案工作實行監督和指導。

The relevant economic administrative departments of the state council shall submit such information as the total amount of quotas for the year , the plans for allocation and the issuance of certificates of quotas , etc . to the foreign trade department of the state council for archivist purposes 國務院有關經濟管理部門應當及時將年度配額總量、分配方案和配額證明實際發放的情況向國務院外經貿主管部門備案。

The archive joined the international federation of film archives ( fiaf ) in 1996 . through fiaf activities , we are able to exchange experiences with archivists from around the world and keep abreast of the latest development and technology in the field of film archiving 香港電影資料館館藏日豐,全賴捐贈者、電影機構和影人的大力支持,而資料館亦會繼續積極與各界建立伴合作關系,以發揮更大的作用。

The archive joined the international federation of film archives fiaf in 1996 . through fiaf activities , we are able to exchange experiences with archivists from around the world and keep abreast of the latest development and technology in the field of film archiving 香港電影資料館館藏日豐,全賴捐贈者電影機構和影人的大力支持,而資料館亦會繼續積極與各界建立伴合作關系,以發揮更大的作用。

Abstract : from theories and practices , the paper elaborated political quality , ethical quality , professional quality , ability quality and some suggestions on improving the qualities of archivists in colleges and universiti es 文摘:本文從理論和實踐上闡述了高校檔案管理人員應有的政治素質、道德素質、業務素質、能力素質及提高高校檔案管理人員素質的幾點建議。

As soon as election results are final , the states prepare seven “ certificates of ascertainment “ of the electors chosen , and send one original along with two certified copies to the archivist of the united states 然而,我以為沒有其他的會議像我們這個會的主題,即亞太地區的安全,將對這么多人將來的和平、繁榮與安定有如此大的影響。

Provenance principle is the core principle of modern archive settlement recognized by archivist circle and has shown unusual vitality under the traditional archive management mode 摘要來源原則是檔案界公認的現代檔案整理的核心原則,在傳統的檔案管理模式下顯示了其非凡的生命力。

P : i ‘ m the ambassador ( minister , charg d ‘ affaires , counsellor , first secretary , second secretary , third secretary , attach , staff , secretary - archivist , military , attach ) 我是大使(公使,代辦,參贊,一等秘書,二等秘書,三等秘書,隨員,職員,檔案秘書,武官隨員) 。