
archives n.pl.1.檔案館[室],檔案處。2.檔案。短語和例子...

“ original “ is the basic attribute of archives 檔案的基本屬性是“原始性” 。


The museum ' s civil war archives are valuable 這個博物館里有關內戰的檔案彌足珍貴。

How to judge intactness of cadre ' s personnel archives 如何鑒別干部人事檔案的完整性

Some thoughts about archives informatization building 關于檔案信息化建設的幾點思考

Unauthorized destruction of archives shall be prohibited 禁止擅自銷毀檔案。

Talking about the original maintenance of e - archives 淺談電子檔案的原始性維護

On the information construction of enterprise archives 淺談企業檔案信息化建設

I have created a few such examples in the article archive file 我在文章的壓縮文件

Christian border service archive investigation 基督教邊疆服務運動檔案文獻調查

Hong kong film archive li han - hsiang , storyteller 江山多嬌人物風流李翰祥電影回顧

Review and outlook of meteorological archive application 氣象檔案利用的回顧與展望

Oais : reference model of open archive information system 開放檔案信息系統參考模型

Thinking on the problems of storing e - archives 電子檔案儲存須解決的問題與思考

Dominant function and recessive function of archives 檔案的顯性作用和隱性作用

You were planting photos of yourself in the archive 你是在往那里放自己的照片

Development of graduated students archives delivery system 六軸并聯機器人系統辨識

Pondering over information service of digital archives 對數字檔案館信息服務的思考

Archived logs are needed in online recovery 在聯機恢復中,歸檔日志是必需的。

Opening hours and location of hong kong film archive 香港電影資料館開放時間及位置