
archival adj.檔案的;檔案里的;包括有檔案的。


How to strengthen and perfect archival management of accounting computerization 如何加強和完善電算化會計檔案管理

My thoughts about archival concept 檔案概念之我見

Probing into the copyright of archival compilation and the problem of ownership 檔案編研著作權與歸屬問題探析

Issues of strengthening archival appraisal work for preservation value 談加強檔案保存價值鑒定工作的若干問題

Zeng guo - fan ' s archival complex 曾國藩之于史檔文獻

Microfilming of newspapers on 35 mm microfilm for archival purposes 存檔用的毫米縮微膠卷的報紙縮微照相

Archival documents standards guidance kit 檔案文件封裝

Environmental conditions for exhibiting library and archival materials 圖書館和檔案材料展示的環境條件

Explaining archival definition of intellectual property right of enterprises 企業知識產權檔案定義釋義

On compilatory work of archival amp; historical materials by rong meng - yuan 榮孟源論檔案史料編纂工作

Lcq5 : public access to government records and archival records 立法會五題: ?民查閱政府檔案及歷史檔案

Discussing the service of archival exhibition 論檔案展覽服務

On cd technique and compiling modernization of archival skills 淺談光盤技術與檔案編纂手段的現代化

Protection of copyright in the work of archival informationization 檔案工作信息化中的知識產權保護

Recommendations for the storage and exhibition of archival documents 檔案文件保存與展示的推薦標準

Archival value of overseas chinese genealogy 華僑譜牒的檔案價值

The study on communication effect of the internet archival information 論網絡檔案信息的傳播效果

Arranging archival records by piece of archives 為單位整理的思考

Science of library , information and archival 圖書館情報與檔案學