
architrave n.【建筑】1.框緣。2.(柱的)下楣。3.(窗等的)嵌...


The works finished in the paper conclude : 1 ) based on embedded analysis of asic system , the paper put forward the design scheme of the core controller 805 1 and its periphery circuit and designed frame architrave of the system 論文所作的工作包括: 1 )基于對集成系統的深入分析,本文提出了8051核心控制器與外圍電路接口的設計方案,并設計了系統的結構框圖。

At an indefinite height overhead something made the black sky blacker , which had the semblance of a vast architrave uniting the pillars horizontally 在他的頭頂上,高高的空中還有一件物體,使黑暗的天空變得更加黑暗了,它好像是把兩根石柱按水平方向連接起來的橫梁。

The eastward pillars and their architraves stood up blackly against the light , and the great flame - shaped sun - stone beyond them ; and the stone of sacrifice midway 在石柱的外面可以看見火焰形狀的太陽石,也可以看見在石柱和太陽石之間的犧牲石。

The place was all doors and pillars , some connected above by continuous architraves 這兒全是門框和石柱,有的石柱上面還架著石梁。