
architecture n.1.建筑學。2.建筑(樣式、風格);建筑物。3.構造...


Chinese society of naval architecture and marine engineering 中國造船工程學會

Actually , i ' m not very interested in architecture 實際上,我對建筑藝術不感興趣。

The ancient taoist architecture in wudang mountain 武當山的道教古建筑及其特征

A single core architecture is shown in figure 1 below 下面的圖1展示了單核架構:

The benefits to the model driven architecture are that 模塊驅動架構優點如下:

Article : service - oriented modeling and architecture 文章:面向服務建模與體系結構

Figure 2 shows ibm s soa reference architecture 圖2顯示了ibm的soa參考體系結構。

Faculty of engineering , physical sciences architecture 工程學物理學及建筑學院

How to optimize your specific storage architecture 如何優化具體的存儲體系結構。

Architecture exceptions and escalation process 體系結構的例外以及漸進發展流程:

Study on steel structure architecture design in china 我國鋼結構建筑設計研究初探

The status and trends of cim reference architecture 參考體系研究現狀及其發展趨勢

Research of generic architecture for gis applications 應用體系結構的分析與應用

Component fits into the existing data - binding architecture 組件適合放在何處。

Research on architecture and key technology of ogsa - dqp 體系結構及其關鍵技術研究

The entire tcf architecture is shown in figure 5 圖5顯示了完整的tcf體系結構。

Described their grid - based system architecture 介紹了基于網格的系統體系結構。

I can ' t . i ' m gonna be late for my architecture midterm 不行.建筑學考試要晚了

The architecture is most impressive , isn ' t it 它的建筑給人的印象很深刻,不是嗎?