
architectural adj.建筑學的;建筑上的。adv.-ly 建筑(學)上...

“ the on demand operating environment : architectural overview 隨需應變的運行環境


Journal of jilin architectural and civil engineering institute 吉林建筑工程學院學報

Aesthetic effect in architectural space of library 圖書館建筑空間的美育效應

This kind of architectural style depresses me 這種建筑風格讓我感到很壓抑。

Basic ideas on architectural design of modern library 現代圖書館建筑設計的基本思想

Investigation of architectural culture of fujian and taiwan 閩臺關系的建筑文化考察

From mountain village court yard to architectural culture 山村小院到建筑文化

Expression of architectural non - symbolic significance 建筑的非象征性意義表達

Architectural culture of stone in qingyan town , guizhou province 青巖石建筑文化小記

Journal of hebie institute of architectural engineering 河北建筑工程學院學報

Welded stainless steel tubes for architectural decoration 建筑裝飾用不銹鋼焊接管材

On the architectural culture of the old city of pingyao 淺談古城平遙的建筑文化因素

On the localization of modern architectural style 論現代建筑設計風格的本土化

What are the architectural needs of the customer 客戶的體系結構要求是什么?

Making use of multimedia to teach architectural drawing 利用多媒體進行建筑制圖教學

Humanistic and social base for architectural design 建筑創作中的人文社會根基

Technological consciousness in architectural education 論建筑教育中的技術意識

Constitution form of architectural design firms in japan 日本建筑事務所的構成形式

Analysis on landscape architectural style of the bai nationality 白族園林風格探析