
architect n.1.建筑師,設計師;創制者。2.〔A-〕造物主。短語...


The macao city impression under a architect ' s pen 建筑師筆下的澳門城市意象

Everyone is the architect of his own fortune 每個人都是自己命運的創造者。

He was one of the architects of the republic 他是這個共和國的締造者之一。

Architectural services department architects ' association 建筑署建筑師協會

Everyone is the architect of his own future 每個人都是他自己未來的設計師。

About the educational model of architect in the future 關于未來建筑師培養模式的思考

Other architects looked back to the classical tradition 其他的建筑師回顧古典傳統。

Use experienced architects and method practitioners 使用有經驗的架構師和專業人員。

Principal architect , biologic software consulting ,首席架構師,生物學軟件顧問

To be sure , your excellency , replied the architect 您看,他也是這樣說的。 ”

The author of the guidebook is an architect by profession 該手冊的作者任職建筑師

It is the architect who designed this theater 1這就是設計這個劇院的建筑師。

The architect laid out the interior of the building 設計師設計了這座建筑的內部格局

Every man is the architect of his own fortune 每一個人都是自身幸福的建筑師。

Teachers are the architects of successful societies 老師是成功社會的建筑師。

And he ' s an architect , so we restored it 我丈夫是建筑師,所以我們就重建了房子

The chief architect of china ' s reform , opening and 改革開放和現代化建設的總設計師

Every man is the architect of his own fortune 每個人都是他自己命運的建誅師。

Meet the architects ? group discussion time 建筑師與同學進行小組討論及分享。