
archipelago n.(pl. archipelagoes, archip...


Charity champion lost 300 coconut and areca nut trees when towering waves slammed into the indian ocean archipelago on december 26 當滔天巨浪在去年十二月二十六日撲上這些印度洋群島時,雀樂蒂?錢碧恩損失了三百棵椰子樹和檳榔樹。

The entire archipelago of 7 , 100 islands is a total shopping experience , a shopping bazaar ranging from glitzy goods to ethnic wares designed with world - class touches 由7 , 100多個群島構成的菲律賓讓你對購物有一次完全的體驗。

Peaks of the southern atlantic submarine ridge form the fernando de noronha archipelago and rocas atoll off the coast of brazil 巴西大西洋群島指的是南大西洋費爾南多迪諾羅尼亞群島露出海面的海底山脈和巴西沿海的羅卡環形礁。

The priority action program for the 2006 - 2008 period sets investments in infrastructures , health and education as priorities for the west african archipelago 圣普2006 - 2008年間需要優先解決的問題是基礎設施、健康和教育。

The archipelago is a hazardous traffic median in the great circle route , the shortest path between ports on either side of the north pacific 多島海域是大圓航線上極具危險的運輸中樞,也是連接北太平洋各端港口的最短通道。

Laurel forest covers some 70 % of this park , situated in the middle of the island of la gomera in the canary islands archipelago 加拉霍艾國家公園位于加那利群島的拉戈梅島中心,該國家公園中70 %的面積覆蓋著月桂林森林。

Islands ( archipelago ) are one important kind of tourist places which has its specialties in exploiting and developing 海島(列島)是一種重要的旅游地類型,有其獨特個性,開發方式及其發展思路上都應有其特殊性。

I would especially recommend oslo - bergen by train via fjords and mountains and seeing the northern archipelago of lofoten 我特別推薦途經峽灣和群山地區的奧斯陸?卑爾根列車之旅,另外還要看看北部的羅弗敦群島。

So far , indonesia ' s generals have behaved pretty impeccably , despite the many problems of that vast archipelago 到目前為止,盡管這個龐大的島國存在許多問題,但印度尼西亞的將軍們行為非常完美無缺。

The philippines is an archipelago of 7 , 107 islands , islets , rocks and sandbars lying within the pacific seismic belt 菲律賓是由7 , 107個群島,島嶼、島礁和沙洲組成的島國,她位于太平洋的地震帶里。

Vast forests , a unique archipelago and thousands of lakes present a striking mixture of wooded hills and waters 廣袤的森林、獨特的群島和數以千計的湖泊,將林木繁盛的山丘與流域驚人地融為一體。

Except for luzon and mindanao , the islands of the archipelago are actually the crests of submerged mountain ranges 除了呂宋島和棉蘭老島之外,別的群島的島嶼實際上是淹沒著山脈露出水面的山峰。

Saba douglas hamilton joins arctic expert jason roberts in the remote svalbard archipelago to find out 北極居民之一的北極熊的身體構造有賴嚴寒天氣才能正常地生活,溫室效應對?們造成什麼影響?

Tokyo metropolis is located in the southern kanto region , positioned in approximately the center of the japanese archipelago 東京的地理東京都位于關東地區南部,大致位于日本列島中心。

A split shot shows a coral reef beneath a pearl workstation in french polynesia ' s tuamotu archipelago 翻譯:這張照片展示的是法國玻利尼西亞土阿莫土群島的一家珍珠養殖場下面的珊瑚礁。

The first inhabitants probably arrived in the archipelago from sri lanka and southern india before 500 bc 第一批居民大概是在公元前500年之前從斯里蘭卡以及印度南部到達這一群島的。

The izu archipelago and ogasawara islands seem to float along the sea in the waters south of tokyo bay 在東京灣的南方海洋上,零星地漂浮分布著一些島嶼,有伊豆諸島和小笠原等。

The research has unveiled that at least 8 species of waterbirds aggregated on the caiyu archipelagos including the swinhoes egret 研究發現,菜嶼列島上集群的水鳥有8種。

Co erfield i ists his archipelago also contai the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth 科波菲爾堅稱,他的群島上有那種可以讓人青春永駐的傳說中的“不老泉” 。