
archimedes n.阿基米德〔古希臘數學家287?-212 B.C.〕。...


The software uses two entity configuration methods : extruding and simulating entity cutting in realizing three dimensional configuration , which successfully achieve three dimensional configuration of involute columnar vertical gear , involute columnar helical gear , standard vertical spline , archimedes worm and disco - cam 軟件在三維造型功能實現上使用了拉伸和模擬實體切削兩種實體造型方法,成功地實現了漸開線圓柱直齒輪、漸開線圓柱斜齒輪、標準直齒條、阿基米德蝸桿和盤形凸輪的三維造型。

Adopting archimedes number arq as similarity standard , the author determine every kind of similarity scale according to geometry scale 1 / 18 and other limit condition , at the same time , complete organization of model essence , simulation heat source system , design and arrangement of air supply and exhaust system according to every kind of similarity scale 采用熱量阿基米德數arq作為相似準則,按照1 / 18的幾何比例尺以及其他制約條件確定各種相似比例尺。根據各種相似比例尺完成模型本體結構、模擬熱源系統及模型送排風系統的設計和配置。

Substituted by a densimeter based on the archimedes laws , the online concentration measurement was further modified , and the quality of the measured data was improved with satisfactory accuracy and repeatability . nevertheless , information obtained from the continuous phase ( concentration or supersaturation measurements ) was still not enough to completely define the system 為此,本文基于阿基米德定律,采用密度法改進了實驗裝置,實現了對結晶過程中溶液濃度或過飽和度的連續在線測量,并提高了測定精度,所測得實驗數據具有較好的重現性。

The optimum design method is utilized to design 12 - 5 - 48hb double - horse head beam pumping unit with rear horse head s outline of spiral of archimedes , and the optimum result is analyzed and compared with double - horse head beam pumping unit with rear horse head s outline of three - section circular arc and beam pumping unit 用該優化方法對12 - 5 - 48hb型后驢頭為阿基米德螺線雙驢頭抽油機進行了優化設計,并對優化結果和后驢頭為三段圓弧的雙驢頭抽油機及游梁式抽油機進行對比分析。

The solid reaction synthetic process , sintering properties and phase composition of the lsgm samples are investigated by tg - dta , sem , xrd and the archimedes method . the results reveal that the sintering technology generated significant influence on the sintering properties of the lsgm samples . the optimum synthesis parameters to prepare lsgm electrolyte with a pure perovskite - type structure were ascertained ; the sintering temperature and chemical constitution contributed greatly to the phase composition , the solid solubility limit of lsgm electrolyte increased with increasing of the sintering temperature , and we made lsgm electrolyte of single - perovskite structure above 1400 # 本文采用改進埋燒法制備出la _ ( 0 . 8 ) sr _ ( 0 . 2 ) ga _ ( 1 - y ) mg _ yo _ 3 ( lsgm )電解質,對制備方法與工藝參數、材料結構、電學性能以及熱學性能進行了研究,分析了組成、結構與導電性能的關系,探討了離子傳輸機制,其目的在于為該類離子導體的進一步研究和應用提供實驗和理論依據。

The thesis mainly investigated the bati _ 4o _ 9 ( bt _ 4 ) , which has the lowest dielectric loss in ba - ti system , and ( ba , sr ) tio _ 3 , the a position substitute compound of batio _ 3 . the dielectric properties of bt _ 4 / bst with different preparation way and different elements doping were investigated . a archimedes method , xrd , sem , impedance analyzer , network analyzer and hakki - coleman method were used to investigate the density , phase formation , microstructure , dielectric properties and doping mechanisms 本論文以在ba - ti系中具有最低介電損耗的bati _ 4o _ 9 ( bt _ 4 )高頻介質陶瓷和batio _ 3a位sr取代而得的( ba , sr ) tio _ 3 ( bst )高頻介質陶瓷作為研究對象,對不同粉體制備方法制備的bt _ 4 / bst高頻電介質材料進行不同元素的摻雜,運用阿基米德方法, x射線衍射分析儀,掃描電子顯微鏡和阻抗分析儀,網絡分析儀, hakki - coleman法等方法手段和測試儀器測試燒成樣品的密度,相組成情況,微觀結構和介電性能,探討造成介電性能起伏的形成機理。

Lipnicki said there is historical evidence for his finding in the case of the greek mathematician archimedes , who worked out while lying in his bath that the amount of water that overflowed his tub was proportional to the amount of his body that was submerged 李普尼基說,他的研究結果也有歷史證據可以支持,像是先前提到的希臘數學家阿基米得,就是躺在澡盆里的時候才想清楚,從他的澡盆里溢出的水量,和他泡在水下的身體體積成正比。

Starting on july 26th , researchers at the stanford synchrotron radiation laboratory in california , led by uwe bergmann , will attempt to read the final pages of the oldest known manuscript of archimedes ' s work , the archimedes palimpsest 在尤.伯格曼的帶領下,加利福尼亞的斯坦福同步加速器輻射實驗室的研究人員將于7月26日嘗試閱讀目前所知的最早的阿基米德著作的手稿- 《阿基米德》重寫本-的最后幾頁內容。

This paper presents the basic construction and movement rules of the coordinator gyrorotor with reticle of archimedes spiral reticule pattern , also , it explains the principles and methods of dynamical balance to damp the vibration and forced nutation 闡述了具有阿基米德螺旋線圖案的位標器的基本原理及其運動規律,并說明這種陀螺轉子的振動與繞動的平衡原理與方法。

This paper researches the basic algorithms of computer graphics including the algorithms of an efficient algorithm for polygon clipping and pixel - level algorithm for generating archimedes and ivolute curve 本文的工作是對計算機圖形學中的基礎算法進行研究。包括一個有效的多邊形裁剪算法,以及阿基米德曲線及圓的漸開線的逐點生成算法。

The development of the method of exhaustion beyond the point to which archimedes carried it had to wait nearly eighteen centuries until the use of algebraic symbols and techniques became a standard part of mathematics 幾乎18個世紀以后,直到代數符號及其算法成為數學標準算法的一部分時,窮竭法的發展才超出阿基米德應用范圍。

This paper develops iterative formula of sine and cosine function in document [ 40 ] , and presents new pixel - level algorithms for generating archimedes and involute curves which are widely used in engineering 本文推廣了文獻[ 40 ]中正弦、余弦函數的遞推公式,對工程繪圖中常用的阿基米德曲線和漸開線設計了新的逐點生成算法。

It is interesting to note that the first calculation of the diameter of the earth was made following a nice experiment by eratosthenes , a contemporary of archimedes in the second century b . c 有趣的是,對地球直徑最早的計算是由eratosthenes的一個很好的實驗進行的,他生活在公元前二世紀,與archimedes同時代。

What is new is the application , which by an inversion of the energy flow in its operation , turns the archimedes screw trough pump into a power generator for the extraction of energy 水力螺旋發電機的獨到之處在于對水流能量進行逆向利用,把阿基米德螺旋泵轉變成一個可以從水流中提取能量的發電機。

May 10 , 2005 ? we ' re smarter and more creative lying down than standing up , says a researcher who believes this helps to explain archimedes ' eureka moment 科學家說,我們躺下來的時候可能比站著的時候更聰明、更有創意,這可能也可以解釋為何阿基米得是在躺在澡缸里的時候才想通浮力定理。

The archimedes filter should be a high - throughput process , thereby saving time and money , but testing of a full - size prototype will not be done until 2003 阿基米德過濾法應該是個產量很高的過程,因而可以節省時間與金錢,但是供實地測試的原型機要到2003年才能制造出來。

Until now i realize that , why the discoverer of buoyancy , archimedes forgot wearing clothes and took to the street to shout , to declare his discovery to the world 我現在才知道,浮力的發現者阿基里米德為什么會忘了穿衣服就上街大叫大喊,向全世界宣告他的發現!

Since 1998 archimedes technology group in san diego has been developing a filtering method that works via atomic mass rather than chemical properties 自1998年以來,位于加州圣地牙哥的阿基米德技術公司已經發展了一個過濾法,利用的是原子量而不是化學性質。

The folks at archimedes wanted to spend their time thinking about levers and pulleys , but instead spent a lot of time on mundane programming tasks 阿基米得的家伙們打算花時間思考杠桿與滑輪[問題] ,但是變成了浪費大部份時間在世俗的編程工作上。