
archie n.阿奇〔男子名, Archibald 的昵稱〕。

“ let me look , “ said archie , rummaging among the shoes scattered on the floor “我來看看, ”阿奇一邊說,一邊在地板上的鞋堆里翻尋起來。

Archie told him , “ a new pair of shoes , please , “ he said . “ brown , “ he added 阿奇回答說: “請拿一雙新鞋。 ”接著又補充一句: “要咖啡色的。 ”


Fan ho yan , lai pan chiu , archie chi chung lee , lo lung kwong , and ng tze ming , peter , scholarship 關柏林獎學金賴品超、范可欣、李熾昌、盧光及吳梓明獎學金

She liked the other animals in the circus and her trainer , archie , took very good care of her 她很喜歡馬戲團里的其它動物,她的馴獸師阿奇也非常照顧她。

“ let me look , “ said archie , rummaging among the shoes scattered on the floor “我來看看, ”阿奇一邊說,一邊在地板上的鞋堆里翻尋起來。

Archie told him , “ a new pair of shoes , please , “ he said . “ brown , “ he added 阿奇回答說: “請拿一雙新鞋。 ”接著又補充一句: “要咖啡色的。 ”

Prof . archie lee 李金漢教授

What archie bunker means by the question is not contained by the question ' s grammar 班克的通過問題表達的意義不能被語法所包含。

Prof . archie c . c . lee 李天生教授

One day archie clown went into a shoe shop to buy a new pair of shoes 一天,馬戲團的小丑阿奇走進一家鞋店,他想買一雙新鞋。

Professor archie c . c . lee 李熾昌教授

Hey , archie . up here 恩,阿契.上來這里

I missed you . - hey , archie 我想念你-嗨,阿契

Well , good news . archie thinks the remodel should be done anytime between 好消息archie認為改造會在這段時間內. .

- i missed you . - hey , archie -我想念你-嗨,阿契

Cal : a real man makes his own luck , archie . right . dawson 卡爾:好男人的運氣是靠自己創造的。是不是,唐森先生?

A real man makes his own luck , archie . right , dawson 亞奇,一個真正的男人懂得創造他自己的機會.不是嗎,道森

Good night , archie . - sweet dreams 晚安阿契-發個好夢

Archie , this is getting serious 阿契,這是個嚴肅的問題