
archibald n.阿奇博爾德〔男子名〕。

When he got a - front of us he lifts his hat ever so gracious and dainty , like it was the lid of a box that had butterflies asleep in it and he didn t want to disturb them , and says : “ mr . archibald nichols , i presume ? 一走到我們大伙兒的面前,他把帽子往上那么提了一提,態度高雅,分外瀟灑仿佛是一只盒子上的蓋子,里面蒙著蝴蝶,他只是不愿驚動它們似的。

“ you scotch villain ! “ said the infuriated damsel to archibald , “ how dare you use a person like me in this way ? “你這蘇格蘭惡棍, ”這位怒不可遏的女子對阿奇博爾德說, “你膽敢用這種方法來對付我這樣的人! ”

“ madam , “ said archibald , with infinite composure , “ it ' s high time you should know you are in the duke ' s country . “太太” ,阿奇博爾德不慌不忙地說, “現在你該知道你是在公爵的地盤上了。 ”


Aiming at the fire control system fault diagnosis of some auto archibald , and in order to solve the bottle - neck of knowledge acquisition , a new method for knowledge acquisition was put forward which combines the computer simulation and artificial intelligence 摘要針對某自行高炮火控系統的故障診斷,為解決其知識獲取的“瓶頸”問題,提出了一種計算機仿真與人工智能相結合的知識獲取方案。

When he got a - front of us he lifts his hat ever so gracious and dainty , like it was the lid of a box that had butterflies asleep in it and he didn t want to disturb them , and says : “ mr . archibald nichols , i presume ? 一走到我們大伙兒的面前,他把帽子往上那么提了一提,態度高雅,分外瀟灑仿佛是一只盒子上的蓋子,里面蒙著蝴蝶,他只是不愿驚動它們似的。

You could call archibald macleish a renaissance man , meaning he had many interests and talents . perhaps you are a renaissance person too . what are your interests and talents 你可以稱呼阿契博得麥克列許是一個博學多才的人,亦即他不但多才多藝,而且興趣廣泛。或許你也是一個博學多才的人呢。你的興趣跟天分是什么呢?

“ you scotch villain ! “ said the infuriated damsel to archibald , “ how dare you use a person like me in this way ? “你這蘇格蘭惡棍, ”這位怒不可遏的女子對阿奇博爾德說, “你膽敢用這種方法來對付我這樣的人! ”

“ madam , “ said archibald , with infinite composure , “ it ' s high time you should know you are in the duke ' s country . “太太” ,阿奇博爾德不慌不忙地說, “現在你該知道你是在公爵的地盤上了。 ”

I looked up all the joneses in the telephone book but i drew a blank every time i asked for archibald jones 我在電話簿中查了所有姓瓊斯的人,可是每次都找不到阿契波爾德?瓊斯。

Simmons : never will . your son ' s great - grand son of captain archibald wikity , is he not 以后也不會。你的兒子是阿齊博得.威基蒂船長的曾祖孫對嗎?

Hodge , archibald alexander 赫治亞歷山大

Defence attache : archibald miller - blakewell 國防武官:米亞奇

Nobel : medicine : sir archibald vivian hill 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎

Mr. archibald was embarrassed by the madwoman's clinging to the carriage, and detaining around them her noisy and mischievous attendants . 阿奇博爾德先生看到一個女瘋子緊緊地抓住馬車不肯放手,而四周圍著一大群吵吵嚷嚷的胡鬧的觀眾,弄得莫名其妙。

Even as he first began taking over complicated cases from dr. archibald he was already reaching out along new paths . 在他剛開始從阿奇博爾德大夫那兒接過復雜的病例時,他就已經沿著新的道路發展了。

She purposedly coloured her wish to mr. archibald by saying that she had seen madge formerly . 她故意對阿奇博爾德先生強調她的愿望,說她以前曾見到過瑪吉。

Just as the clowns left the place, mr. archibald returned with some fair water . 這些村民剛離開那里,阿奇博爾德先生即取了一些干凈的水回來了。

When he was satisfied that he was ready to branch out, he wrote archibald . 當他相信自己已準備好了去深造的時候,就寫信給阿奇博爾德。

The bandage being stowed in safely, mr. archibald handed jeanie out of carriage . 行李裝好之后,阿奇博爾德先生將珍妮攙下馬車。