
archetype n.1.原始模型。2.典型。

“ deity - picture as charms and ritual symbol : mythological archetype in priest bi - moxes ' painting in nuosu society . “ ethnic arts , 1998 - 1 issue “神圖巫符與儀式象征大涼山彝族畢摩繪畫中的神話原型“ , 《民族藝術》 1998 : 1


Jung believed illuminated psyche - which takes us to the illuminati - and enlightenment through the eye - or the major archetypes of the masonic program 容格相信照亮的靈魂? ?把我們帶向智慧? ?通過眼睛而受到啟迪? ?或者是共濟會程序的主要原型。

Abstract : based on the archetype of chinese garden and the case study , this paper discusses design tactics of chinese modern landscape architecture 文摘:從中國園林的原型出發,通過詮釋方塔園的創作特點,探討中國現代園林的創作策略。

The results of numerical simulation of flow fields of the archetype of exhaust muffler were analyzed and a remodelled exhaust muffler was finalized the design 因此本文采用了數值模擬的方法來對排氣消聲器進行研究設計。

“ deity - picture as charms and ritual symbol : mythological archetype in priest bi - moxes ' painting in nuosu society . “ ethnic arts , 1998 - 1 issue “神圖巫符與儀式象征大涼山彝族畢摩繪畫中的神話原型“ , 《民族藝術》 1998 : 1

( 3 ) use ejb component to implement an archetype system , which can provide the function of displaying maps and operating map layers ( 3 )利用ejb構件技術開發了具有地圖顯示和圖層操作功能的原型系統。

All aspect patterns are dynamic , not directional and rely on the energy generated by the archetypes of planets ' energies 所以的相位樣式都是動態的,不是定向的、得依靠由行星能量的原型所產生能量。

Each solar system anchors a particular archetype that is unity based for not only mankind , but also all species upon earth 每個太陽系不僅為人類、也為地球上所有物種錨定了一個立足統一的特別原型。

Jung proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personality , archetypes , and the collective unconscious 容格被提議和發展外向型和內向型性格的觀念,原型和集體無意識。

Creatures who act in this manner are often considered part of the vampire archetype , even if they do not consume blood 以這一方法行動的生物時常被視為吸血鬼原型的一部份,即使他們不愿消費血。

Skirmish allows you to test your deck against one of four computer ai opponents using starter decks , one for each archetype 這個模式讓你可以跟使用起始套卡的電腦對手對抗,以測試自己的套卡。

Dita provides a rich base for specialization because of the general design of elements used in its archetype - like topic dtd 共享結構提供可運用在許多類型的技術文檔中的元素和內容模型。

The magi saw a celestial marker - a star isis the star sirius - a feminine archetype of creation 魔法師(占星家)看了天上的記號? ?伊希斯星或者稱為天狼星? ?一種創世的女性原型。

Pulang and arcade : study on the official archetype of lingnan ' s arcade on the basis of zhang zhidong ' s plan for the guangzhou bund 從張之洞廣州長堤計劃看嶺南騎樓的官方原型

Earth is moving to a new astrological system that is founded upon unity based universal archetypes 地球正在步入一個新星象系統中,該星象建構在立足于統一的銀河原型之上。

Rts players will instantly recognize the different archetypes that are depicted within each of the factions Rts玩家會馬上認可不同的陣營反映了不同的玩家類型。

These new signs can be thought of as new archetypes that the human species shall ascend into over time 這些新標志可被認為是人類物種將隨時間而提升入的新原型。

Existing as an archetype or pattern , especially as a platonic idea or perception 觀念的,理念的以原型或固定形式出現的,特指柏拉圖哲學中的觀點或概念

Isis is the primary feminine archetype , or energy representative of nature ' s divine fertility 伊希斯是主要的女性原形,或者是代表豐產之神的能量。