
archetypal adj.1.原始模型的。2.典范的。

The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing co traints - ways of feeling , thinking , and acting that “ come naturally “ in archetypal situatio in any culture 這些人類學家所歸諸于生物進化的作用,不是規定人類行為的種種細節,而是將各種限制強加于人類? ?即在任何文化的典型情景中都會“自然表露“的情感、思維、以及行動方式。

A cowboy hat , such as that worn by the archetypal aussie bushman in the “ crocodile dundee “ movies , was also given to leaders 霍華德總理還為領導人們準備了一款類似影片《鱷魚鄧迪》中澳大利亞原始叢林人戴的牛仔帽。

This archetypal pattern takes the pattern of the “ saint “ one step further into the role of spiritual teacher and guide in the physical 這一原型要比圣徒的模式更進一步深入物理層靈性導師和向導的角色。


The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing co traints - ways of feeling , thinking , and acting that “ come naturally “ in archetypal situatio in any culture 這些人類學家所歸諸于生物進化的作用,不是規定人類行為的種種細節,而是將各種限制強加于人類? ?即在任何文化的典型情景中都會“自然表露“的情感、思維、以及行動方式。

In the field of ancient chinese literature , it has deep signifiance to analyse cavern fairyland with northrop frye and carl jung ' s archetypal theory and its collective unconsciousness of our nation 運用弗萊、榮格的原型理論,將作品與作品中反復出現的“洞穴仙境”意象加以聯系審視,從它在作品中的具體顯現,分析它潛藏的意蘊,可以拓展志怪小說微觀透視的領域,具有不可忽視的意義。

Then , the archetypal control system is designed , which measures up manufacture demands . the system takes plc as the processing center and makes use of plc ' s pulse export function to realize the orientation controls of high - speed and precision 然后以可編程序控制器為核心,利用其脈沖輸出功能實現鑰匙加工機床中高速高精度數字定位控制,設計出了符合加工生產要求的原型機。

Mainly in a way of myth and archetypal criticism , combined with jung ' s theory of archetypes and the collective unconscious , this article tries to concretely analyze the theme of lord of the flies so as to exhibit another facet of the novel 摘要以神話原型批評理論為指導,結合分析心理學創始人榮格的原型說與集體無意識理論,從新的角度對《蠅王》進行剖析和探討。

She was the archetypal courtesan who has neither shame nor heart nor wit ? or at least she appeared so to me , for perhaps another man had shared with her the idyll i had shared with marguerite 這個女人完全是一個不知羞恥沒有心肝沒有頭腦的妓女的典型,至少對我來說是這樣,因為也許有別的男人會跟她一起做我跟瑪格麗特一起做過的那種美夢。

At present , this new image processing techniques based on the intelligent line drawing generation have been applies to dunhuang mural virtual restoration . the archetypal system has been developed successfully 目前本文提出的基于線描圖智能化生成的圖像處理方法,已經應用于計算機輔助敦煌壁畫虛擬修復領域,成功地開發了原形系統。

Giving emphasis to signal processing methods , this paper puts forward the idea of integrated monitoring system for hv circuit breaker and thus develops an archetypal system 論文圍繞高壓斷路器綜合監控系統的開發與構建,對多種信號處理與分析方法在系統中的應用進行了深入的研究,在此基礎上,開發實現了原型系統的后臺軟件。

Those heading large corporations today and working their way up to ceo , or becoming the entrepreneur that begins the multimillion - dollar company are highly likely to hold this archetypal patterning within 今天那些領導大企業并為走上ceo職位而努力,或以數百萬美元公司起家的企業家,很有可能內在持有這一原型模式。

In essence , one modifies one ' s birth time archetypal nature through ascension , causing one to move increasingly towards the middle path of unity and away from extremes of polarity within one ' s persona 本質上,一個人透過提升而調整自己的出生時刻原型性質,讓你逐步走向統一的中道,并離開自己人格中的極端極性。

A lot of favorable effect has been obtained when apply pqms archetypal system to quality management in shuangma enterprise . so the validity of the system design and successes of explorati 最后,將開發的pqms原型系統應用于雙馬企業質量管理中,取得了良好的應用效果,從而證明了系統設計的正確性和研發的成功性。

28th hkiff . one - half of twins chung team up with lovely mainland actress to play mischief upon their archetypal ken , of course played by doll - faced daniel wu 女教師和男友分手后,二人親密相片在互聯網散布,唯有哀求他的新歡幫忙毀相滅證,男人終遭教訓一頓,可兩個女人卻要在觀眾眼前卸下面具。

The archetypal pattern of bearer of ascension is gifted at map carving ascension to the next dimension , and may well be one of the first to attempt and fulfill upon such a goal 本原型模式擅長為提升到下一密度進行地圖刻畫,并可能是嘗試并實現該目標的第一批成員之一。

While the technical achievements of this ancient civilisation have been forgotten the archetypal symbols of spirituality have maintained their eminence in our consciousness 當這個古代文明技術成就被遺忘時候,靈性符號的原型繼續在我們的意識中保持它們的崇高。

This archetypal pattern of wisdom in action , perhaps more than any other exemplifies the new form of leadership that shall emerge in the century ahead for the human species 這一原型模式,也許比任何其他人更為例證將在前方世紀為人類物種所浮現的領導新形式。

In essence , birth time holograms are associated with a wheel of 38 archetypal natures that are dominant as birth time every 20 or so minutes around the clock 本質上,出生時刻全息圖,與一個32種原型性質之輪相關,它們在時鐘上每20分鐘左右主導出生時刻。

For those that pursue their personal ascension in this lifetime , one will live to experience the birth of these new archetypal patterns within one ' s own life expression 每一位在此生追求個人提升者,將體驗這些新原型模式在自己生命表達中的誕生。