
archery n.1.射箭,箭術。2.(弓、箭等)射箭用具。3.〔集合...


The crafts look beautifully and the usable ambiguity archery target one kind of handicraft 具有觀賞性和實用性雙重性質的一種工藝品。

Bubble hall archery 泡泡堂射箭

Specification for classification and marking of single - lens scopes for use with archery bows 射箭弓用單鏡頭觀測鏡分類和標記規范

Standard test method for determining the force - draw and let - down curves for archery bows 測定射箭弓壓下和下降的標準試驗方法

Longshot : mastering long range archery makes an army archer even more deadly 遠射:掌握遠程箭術使得一位軍人箭手更為致命。

Standard specification for designation of the balance point location for archery arrows 弓箭平衡點定位的名稱與符號標準規范

Medical and functional classification of cycling and archery for disabled athletes 殘疾人自行車和射箭運動員醫學和功能分級

Archery competition games 射箭大賽小游戲

The king had a general called yang youchi who is very famous for his archery 國王有位將軍名叫楊有持,此人以箭術聞名。

Favorite sport : archery 喜歡的運動:射箭

Bubble hall archery games 泡泡堂射箭小游戲

Standard test method for the determination of percent of let - off for archery bows 測定射箭弓射出百分比的標準試驗方法

Standard guide for reduction of risk of injury for archery overdraws 降低射箭運動員由于張拉過度而受傷風險的標準指南

4455 bubble hall archery games 更多同類游戲

Standard test methods for archery bowstring component - serving string material 射箭弓弦元件的標準試驗方法.弓弦用材料

Standard guide for center serving diameter dimensions for archery bow strings 射箭弓弦中心卷纏直徑尺寸的標準指南

Archery competition introduction 射箭大賽游戲攻略

Bubble hall archery introduction 泡泡堂射箭游戲攻略

Three kinds of ritual of archery and their change in west zhou dynasty 西周時期三類不同性質的射禮及其演變