
archer n.阿徹〔姓氏〕。

“he's waiting for you now at mrs. struthers's; why don't you go to him?“ archer sneered . “他現在就在斯特拉琴斯夫人家等你呢,你怎么不上他那兒去?”阿切爾冷笑道。

Few things seemed to newland archer more awful than an offence against “taste“ . 對紐蘭阿切爾來說,很少有什么事比觸犯“審美標準”更糟糕的了。


Madame archer . i was so worried . i thought . . 阿徹夫人,我很擔心,還以為…

Archer : best commander we ever had , right there 弓箭手:他是我們見過最好的指揮官。

The nobel prize in chemistry : archer john porter martin 諾貝爾化學獎-阿切爾約翰馬丁

Barbarians can no longer gain the archer discipline 野蠻人不再得到弓術了。

Madame archer , i have an impossible request of you 阿徹夫人,我有個難以接受的請求

New archer is the enemy of long - distance unit 新增的弓箭手是遠程單位的克星。

Newland archer : i just want us to be together 紐蘭?阿切爾:我只是想我們在一起!

Newland archer : i just want us to be together 紐蘭特?阿徹:我只想我們在一起!

Archers can be as nervous in battle as arquebusiers 弓箭手在戰斗中一樣會緊張。

He had given archer to understand that his wife was an invalid, which might be true of the poor lady, or, might merely mean that she was lacking in social gifts or in evening clothes, or in both . 他對阿切爾解釋說他老婆是個殘廢人,那也許是真的,不過說不定只是指她缺乏社交能力、或者缺少晚禮服,或者兩者都缺。

Newland archer had been aware of these things even since he could remember, and had accepted them as part of the structure of his universe . 紐蘭阿切爾從記事起就明白這些事情,并把它們作為他的世界的組成部分接受下來。

For a moment archer thought she was about to cry; but she burst into a laugh instead, looking from the marchioness to archer . 一時間阿切爾以為她簡直要哭出來了。但是她突然笑起來了,輪番地打量侯爵夫人和阿切爾。

Archer mentally shrugged his shoulders and turned the conversation back to books, where winsett was always interesting . 阿切爾暗自聳了聳肩,把話題轉回到書本上面。談起書本,溫塞特總是趣味橫生。

Archer saw he was wondering why no one had told the butler never to slice cucumbers with a steel knife . 阿切爾看出來,他正在納悶怎么沒有人告訴主管膳食的男仆千萬別用鋼刀把黃瓜切成薄片呢。

When people had wished to distinguish her from the other two miss archers they had always called her the willowy one . 人們為了把她和另外兩個阿切爾小姐區別開來,常常稱她“瘦長的那個”。

Archer was aware that madame olenska, who had seated at her grandmother's side, was still thoughtfully scrutinizing him . 阿切爾意識到坐在祖母身旁的奧蘭斯卡夫人還在若有所思地打量他。

Archer had always been inclined to think that chance and circumstance played a small part in shaping people's lots . 阿切爾一直認為機遇和環境對人的命運的形成起著很小的作用。