
archduke n.大公〔1918年前奧國皇太子的稱呼〕。

“ hey you guys ! put a collar on the serbs ! they ' re out there shooting archdukes ! “ - what the french and british didn ' t say to the russians , 16 october 2001 嘿,兄弟們!給塞爾維亞人戴個項圈吧!他們到處獵殺大公爵!法、英兩國沒有對蘇俄人說的話, 2001年10月16日。


I must own that i dont understand it ; perhaps there are diplomatic subtleties in it that are beyond my feeble intellect ; but i cant make it out . mack loses a whole army , archduke ferdinand and archduke karl give no sign of life and make one blunder after another ; kutuzov alone gains at last a decisive victory , breaks the prestige of invincibility of the french , and the minister of war does not even care to learn the details ! for that very reason , my dear boy , dont you see 博爾孔斯基說道, “我向您承認,我也許并不明白,這里頭會有什么超出我這貧乏智慧的外交上的微妙之處,但是我也弄不明白,馬克喪失了全軍人馬,費迪南大公和卡爾大公奄奄待斃,毫無生氣,而且接一連二地做出錯事,只有庫圖佐夫終于贏得了真正的勝利,粉碎了法國人的chavme ,而軍政大臣甚至不想知道詳細的戰況哩! ”

But i am convinced of this , and relying on the last letter with which his highness the archduke ferdinand has honoured me , i imagine that the austrian troops under the command of so talented a leader as general mack , have by now gained a decisive victory and have no longer need of our aid , said kutuzov “然以費迪南大公殿下邇近惠賜的大函作為根據,我堅定地相信并且認為,奧國軍隊在馬克將軍如此高明的副司令官統率之下,現已贏得決定性勝利,再也不需要我們援助了。 ”

On returning from the review , kutuzov , accompanied by the austrian general , went to his private room , and calling his adjutant , told him to give him certain papers , relating to the condition of the newly arrived troops , and letters , received from archduke ferdinand , who was in command of the army at the front 閱兵歸來之后,庫圖佐夫在奧國將軍陪伴下,走進辦公室,他把一名副官喊來,吩咐他將開到本地的部隊的實際情況的文件和指揮先頭部隊的費迪南大公的函件一并拿來。

A member of the hofkriegsrath from vienna had been with kutuzov the previous day , proposing and demanding that he should move on as quickly as possible to effect a junction with the army of archduke ferdinand and mack ; and kutuzov , not considering this combination advisable , had intended , among other arguments in support of his view , to point out to the austrian general the pitiable condition in which were the troops that had arrived from russia 前一天,奧國軍事參議院有一名參議員由維也納前來叩見庫圖佐夫,建議并要求俄國軍隊盡速與費迪南大公和馬克的部隊匯合,但是庫圖佐夫認為這種匯合并無裨益,所以,他在擺出可作為他的觀點的佐證時,還試圖請那位奧國將軍目睹一下來自俄國的軍隊的凄慘情狀。

You bring us good news of a victory of archduke karl or ferdinandone archdukes as good as the other , as you knowif its only a victory over a fire brigade of bonaparte , and it will be another matter , it will set the cannons booming 你們替我們帶來卡爾大公或者費迪南大公贏得勝利的好消息吧。正像您所知道的, unarchiduevautlautre ,打垮波拿巴的消防隊也好哩,不過那是另一碼事,而我們到那時一定要鳴炮示意。

Archduke karl does nothing , archduke ferdinand covers himself with disgrace , you abandon vienna , give up its defence , as though you would say to us , god is with us , and the devil take you and your capital 卡爾大公毫無作為,費迪南大公蒙受恥辱。你們在放棄維也納,不再去保衛它了, commesivousnousdisiez ,上帝保佑我們,上帝也保佑你們和你們的首都。

Both emperors , the russian emperor with the tsarevitch , and the austrian with the archduke , were to assist at this review of the allied forces , making up together an army of eighty thousand men 鮑里斯和羅斯托夫會面的翌日,奧國部隊和俄國部隊舉行了一次閱兵式。接受檢閱的俄國部隊包括新近從俄國開來的部隊和隨同庫圖佐夫出征歸來的部隊。

Here , my dear boy , get all the reports from our scouts from kozlovsky . here are two letters from count nostits , here is a letter from his highness the archduke ferdinand , here is another , he said , giving him several papers 這兒是諾斯蒂茨伯爵的兩封疏函,這兒是費迪南大公殿下的疏函,還有另一些, ”他說道,一面把幾份公文遞給他。

I can only say one thing , that if the matter depended on my personal wishes , the desire of his majesty , the emperor francis , should long ago have been accomplished ; i should long ago have joined the archduke “將軍,我只說這么一件事,如果這件事取決于我本人的愿望,弗朗茨國王陛下的圣旨老早就履行了。我老早就和大公會合了。

But apart from that , if you were to gain a really brilliant victory , if archduke karl even were to win a victory , what effect could it have on the general course of events Cestcommeunfaitexprs , commeunfaitexprs此外,嗯,即使你們贏得輝煌的勝利,就連卡爾大公也贏得勝利,這就會改變整個軍事行動的進程吧?

The tradition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477 , when archduke maximilian of austria gave a diamond ring to mary of burgundy . lucy in the sky with diamonds 1477年,奧地利大公馬克西米利安把一枚鉆石戒指送給了瑪利公主,從此贈送鉆石作為愛情的象征這個傳統便流傳下來。

“ hey you guys ! put a collar on the serbs ! they ' re out there shooting archdukes ! “ - what the french and british didn ' t say to the russians , 16 october 2001 嘿,兄弟們!給塞爾維亞人戴個項圈吧!他們到處獵殺大公爵!法、英兩國沒有對蘇俄人說的話, 2001年10月16日。

Narrator : the murder of an austrian archduke by a terrorist triggered a world war . it would be almost 80 years before there was once again a truly global economy 旁白:一位奧地利大公被恐怖分子謀殺引發了一次世界大戰。將近80年以后,一個真正的全球經濟才又再次出現。

The tradition of giving them as love tokens dates from 1477 , when archduke maximilian of austria gave a diamond ring to mary of burgundy 1477年,奧地利大公馬克西米利安把一枚鉆石戒指送給了瑪利公主,從此贈送鉆石作為愛情的象征這個傳統便流傳下來。

Archduke charles : this much i know , when the storm breaks , some are done with terror and some spread their wings like eagles and soar 查爾斯公爵:這一點我知道,當暴風雨暫停,有些人會戰戰兢兢,有些人則會像鷹振翅騰飛。

Archduke friedrich of austria 弗里德里希奧地利大公

Archduke albrecht of austria 奧地利大公阿爾布雷希特

Idea for a poison mystery . that archduke leopold was it 每一道菜都是好端端的,吃下去就攙在一起了。