
archdeacon n.副主教。n.-ry 副主教的職權[地位、管區、宅邸]...


I have not yet alluded to the visits of mr . brocklehurst ; and indeed that gentleman was from home during the greater part of the first month after my arrival ; perhaps prolonging his stay with his friend the archdeacon : his absence was a relief to me 我還沒有提到布羅克赫斯特先生的造訪,其實這位先生在我抵達后第一個月的大部分日子里,都不在家,也許他在朋友副主教那里多逗留了些時間。

On the occasion of the transfer of the cloth to constantinople in 944 , gregory referendarius , archdeacon of hagia sophia in constantinople , held a sermon about the artifact 值此之際,布料于公元944年轉移到了君士坦丁堡,君士坦丁堡的圣索菲婭大教堂的執事長格里高利主持了一個有關人造物品的布道。

I shall return to brocklehurst hall in the course of a week or two : my good friend , the archdeacon , will not permit me to leave him sooner 一兩周之后我才回到布羅克赫斯特府去,我的好朋友一位副主教不讓我早走。

And now, had i the pen of a mighty poet, would i sing in epic verse the noble wrath of the archdeacon . 倘使我具有一位氣勢磅礴的詩人的筆力,我就會寫一首敘事詩來稱頌會吏長所感到的憤怒了。

He observed that the archdeacon at breakfast was less cordial than he had been on the preceding evening . 他注意到,會吏長在早餐時不象在前一天晚上那么懇切熱誠。

The most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon . 這場婚禮中最引人注目的特點,就是會吏長的分外慷慨。

He thought that the archdeacon and mr. arabin had leagued together against eleanor's comfort . 他認為副主教和阿拉賓先生聯合起來,不容愛莉娜安逸。

But now the archdeacon began to meditate on some strong measures of absolute opposition . 可是這時候,會吏長開始籌劃著某種堅決反對的有力措施。

It may be promised that his tastes will be very different from those of the archdeacon . 我們可以假定,他的愛好和副主教大不相同。

Mr. arabin's bright eye twinkled as he caught that of the archdeacon . 阿拉賓先生目光炯炯地瞥到會吏長的兩眼時;閃爍了一下。

All this she attributed to the prejudice and conceit of the archdeacon . 她把這一切全歸咎于會吏長的偏見與自高自大。

This in itself was a terrible vexation to the archdeacon . 在會吏長看來,這件事本身就是極其令人惱火的。

The archdeacon had truly expressed the workings of his mind . 執事長確實表達出了他腦子里思想的轉動。

So the archdeacon and the precentor took their departure . 這樣,會吏長和圣詩班領唱人便起身告辭。

The archdeacon thinks that such a correspondence is disgraceful . 會吏長認為這樣通信是不光彩的。

There is one point i would like to mention, mr. archdeacon . 有一點我想提一提,會吏長先生。