
archbishop n.大主教。n.-ric 大主教的職位[任期、管區]。


. . . and your client testifies that the archbishop sanctioned the exorcism …而且你的委托人證實大主教批準了驅魔儀式

Mr kaczynski applauded after the archbishop announced his resignation 主教宣布辭職后卡欽斯基總統以掌聲表示歡迎。

To make you king , we need the archbishop of canterbury to do that 要讓你登上王位,我們還需要坎特伯雷大主教的幫助

William , archbishop of mainz 威廉美因斯大主教

I presented my assessment and recommendation to the archbishop 我向給主教遞交了愛米麗情況的評估以及解決的建議

The archbishop of canterbury 在我們說話的時候

And your client testifies that the archbishop sanctioned the exorcism 而且你的委托人證實大主教批準了驅魔儀式

Get rid of the fake archbishop 干掉那個假的大主教

Archbishop bowling introduction 大主教保球游戲攻略

Archbishop fulk de saundford 福爾克德桑德佛大主教

The archbishop of canterbury . . 在我們說話的時候. .

Get rid of the fake archbishop . . 干掉那個假的大主教

Where s the archbishop s letter 大主教的信在哪兒呢

1959 archbishop makarios was elected first president of cyprus 馬卡里奧斯大主教當選塞清路斯第一任總統。

In 597 st . augustine became the first archbishop of canterbury 公元579年圣奧古斯丁成為坎特伯雷大主教

Uther lightbringer is made archbishop faol ' s assistant 烏瑟爾光明使者成為大主教阿魯西斯?法奧的助手

- have you tried clemmie ? - she ' s dining with the archbishop -你找過克萊米了嗎? -她在和大主教吃飯

Archbishop of canterbury visit to china 英國坎特伯雷大主教訪華

Have you tried clemmie ? - she ' s dining with the archbishop 你找過克萊米了嗎? -她在和大主教吃飯