
archaic adj.1.古代的;古風的。2.(語言等)古體的,陳舊的...


It may have been carried to the new world by asian traders in the most archaic times 它可能是通過最古老時代的亞洲商人帶到新世界的。

Shaanxi is one of the chinese archaic civilized origins which has a long history 陜西省是中國古代文明發祥之一,有悠久的歷史。

Chinese archaic jades 中國古玉玩賞

A discussion of the difference between the usage of shidong and yidong in archaic chinese 古代漢語使動用法與意動用法的區別

An attempt to analyze ku yen - wu s inductive methods of the archaic chinese rimes 試析顧炎武在古韻分部過程中對系聯法的運用

Father moore ' s beliefs are based on archaic and irrational superstition 莫爾神父的想法不過是基于古老的無理性的迷信

Application of raman spectrometry in the authentication of forged archaic nephrite 拉曼光譜技術在仿古玉鑒別中的應用

Archaic bronze fish - shaped wine vessel 475 - 221 b . c warring states period 青銅魚形壺戰國變形獸紋鑲嵌金銀扁壺戰國

For archaic musical forms , 表達萊克長官的欣喜

The archaic reptile is a living link with the ancestors of her people 這種古老的動物一直與她們的祖先生活在一起。

The only source of heat in this old house was an archaic coal stove 這棟舊房子內惟一的供熱來源是個古老的煤爐。

He was convicted under an archaic statute that had never been repealed 他被一個過時且未被取消的法令定罪。

From zhengzhou , like to play flute , zither , archaic instrument and xun 來自鄭州,愛好古箏古琴長笛塤演奏。

Nobody would read this archaic book 沒人想看這本古書。

The essence of archaic religiosity is the scapegoat mechanism 古代宗教狂熱的本質,就是代罪羔羊的機制。

The influence of confucian thought on chinese archaic prison system 論儒家思想對中國古代獄制發展的影響

We call forth the archaic forces 我們召喚著古老的力量!

Painted sculpture is one of the most archaic folk art in china 摘要彩塑是中國最古老的民間藝術之一。

The culture about architectural geomantic omen in archaic house in china 建筑文化發展與傳統民居研究