
archaeopteryx n.【古生物學】始祖鳥。

The feathers attached to the arms and the tail evidently possess the structures of “ modern feathers “ , which consisting of the central shafts ( rachis ) and parallel barbs . dromaeosaurids are unusual group of maniraptoran theropods . they share many similar or the same features with archaeopteryx or other primitive birds , such as : u - shaped furcula , uncinate process , laterally facing glenoid of shoulder girdle , comparatively long forelimb , large semilunate carple , retroverted pubis , ascending process of astragalus , and “ modern feathers “ with rachis and barbs etc . these facts indicate not only that dromaeosaurids had developed many bird - like characters in course of the advanced maniraptorans toward birds , but also that there seemed to be the co - evolutionary trend between the feathers and the skeletal bones 奔龍類是一類較為特殊的手盜龍類( maniraptora ) ,它具有許多與始祖鳥archaeopteryx甚至其它早期鳥類相似或接近的特征,主要表現在:叉骨u形與始祖鳥和孔子鳥類的相同,背肋鉤狀突在孔子鳥類和個別反鳥類中也存在,肩臼窩絕大部分指向側方類似于始祖鳥,肩胛骨與烏喙骨間的夾角非常接近90也和始祖鳥的相似,前肢從比例上講顯得較長,大的半月形腕骨使肘部能向側方折過來,恥骨伸向后下方,距骨上升突與原始鳥類中的為同源結構,羽毛已有顯著的分化且具備了現代羽毛的基本結構等等。


The feathers attached to the arms and the tail evidently possess the structures of “ modern feathers “ , which consisting of the central shafts ( rachis ) and parallel barbs . dromaeosaurids are unusual group of maniraptoran theropods . they share many similar or the same features with archaeopteryx or other primitive birds , such as : u - shaped furcula , uncinate process , laterally facing glenoid of shoulder girdle , comparatively long forelimb , large semilunate carple , retroverted pubis , ascending process of astragalus , and “ modern feathers “ with rachis and barbs etc . these facts indicate not only that dromaeosaurids had developed many bird - like characters in course of the advanced maniraptorans toward birds , but also that there seemed to be the co - evolutionary trend between the feathers and the skeletal bones 奔龍類是一類較為特殊的手盜龍類( maniraptora ) ,它具有許多與始祖鳥archaeopteryx甚至其它早期鳥類相似或接近的特征,主要表現在:叉骨u形與始祖鳥和孔子鳥類的相同,背肋鉤狀突在孔子鳥類和個別反鳥類中也存在,肩臼窩絕大部分指向側方類似于始祖鳥,肩胛骨與烏喙骨間的夾角非常接近90也和始祖鳥的相似,前肢從比例上講顯得較長,大的半月形腕骨使肘部能向側方折過來,恥骨伸向后下方,距骨上升突與原始鳥類中的為同源結構,羽毛已有顯著的分化且具備了現代羽毛的基本結構等等。

When archaeopteryx , a feathered skeleton that was seemingly half dinosaur and half bird , turned up in 1862 ? three years after the publication of “ the origin of species ” ? the origin of birds became a subject of raging debate among palaeontologists 1862年是《物種的起源》出版的前三年,當時一幅始祖鳥的有翼骨骼(看起來一半是恐龍,另一半是鳥)被發現,那時鳥的起源就成了古生物學家們激烈辯論的一個主題。

To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossils of the oldest known bird , archaeopteryx , lack feathers 為了證明這種觀點,他指出,已知的最早的鳥類始祖鳥的一些化石也沒有羽毛。

To support his hypothesis he pointed out that several fossilsofthe oldest known bird , archaeopteryx , lack feathers 為了證明這種觀點,他指出,已知的最早的鳥類始祖鳥的一些化石也沒有羽毛。

Paleontologists also debated whether archaeopteryx could fly . 古生物學家還討論了始祖鳥是否會飛的問題。