
archaeology n.1.考古學,古物學。2.〔罕用語〕古代史。3.文化遺...

“ learning archaeology through rubbing “ workshop 拓印樂趣坊學習坊目錄


Institute of far east history , archaeology and national studies 俄羅斯科學院遠東歷史考古民族研究所

Assistant curator i field archaeology 一級助理館長(田野考古)

With all due respect , expertise in archaeology doesn ' t 盡管出于尊重,在考古學方面的專家意見并不

Seventy percent of all archaeology is done 大約七成的考古活動

One of the great dangers of archaeology - 考古要面對的危險之一

History of the paleolithic archaeology in xarusgol river part two 薩拉烏蘇河舊石器時代考古史上

Session 2 : decoding archaeology workshop 第二節:考古解碼工作坊

The new development of the archaeology of the xar moron river valley 西拉木倫河流域考古的新進展

Niherwan ' s position in paleolithic archaeology of china 泥河灣在中國舊石器時代考古研究中的地位

Archaeology in hong kong and macau 6th november , 2005 學習考古又能親歷田野發掘工地,千載難逢。

. . . one of the great dangers of archaeology - - 考古要面對的危險之一

An exploration of chinese artistic archaeology 中國藝術考古學初探

Research on the archaeology of the paleolithic period in zhejiang 浙江舊石器時代的考古學觀察

Research on settlement archaeology of longshan in central plain 中原龍山城址的聚落考古學研究

The newspaper article waked my interest in archaeology 報紙上的文章激起了我對考古學的興趣。

The archaeology of knowledge as epistemology 作為知識論的知識考古學

I wonder if you have any interest in greek archaeology 我不知道你是否對希臘考古學感興趣?

Chinese archaeology during the war of resistance against japan period 抗戰時期的中國考古學