
archaeologist n.考古學家。


Archaeologists want to know if the pattern was made with the least number of threads 考古學家想知道這個樣例最小由幾條線組成。

The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area 考古學家們在那個地區發現了一些古代文明的遺跡。

The archaeologists found gold coins and pottery in the lowest level of the site 考古學家在發掘地最下層找到一些金幣和陶器

The archaeologist find some trace of an ancient civilization in that area 考古學家們在那個地區發現了一些古代文明的遺跡。

Archaeologists know little of what life was like for the first people in america 考古學家對美洲最早居民的生活知之甚少。

The archaeologist was in the field gathering new evidence on the beijing man 這位考古學家正在實地搜集北京猿人的新資料。

27 evidence discovered by archaeologist shows that dinosaur were huge 事實證實,考古學家發現的恐龍就是巨大無比的生物。

The archaeologists found some traces of an ancient civilization in that area (考古學家在當地發現一些古代文明遺跡。 )

The archaeologist found gold coins and potteries in the lowest level of the site 考古學家已經發現了幾具人的骨骼

The archaeologist has to get special permission to open up the grave 這位考古學家要得到特別許可才能打開墳墓。

Rather than an archaeologist 不當你是個考古學家

Archaeologists excavated fossilized dinosaur tracks from the riverbed 考古學家從河床中挖掘出恐龍的足跡化石。

Archaeologists believe in to belong to yangshao culture of the neolithic age 可供參觀的發掘面積約1萬平方米。

Archaeologists are trying to build up a picture of life in mayan cities 考古學家正努力再現瑪雅城市的生活。

Here is a peek at the first 30 levels of titles for the archaeologist class 以下將會是一些考古學家的范例。

Visitors will be able to watch as archaeologists discover what ' s inside 考古學家可以作為游客參觀整個過程。

The archaeologists are very interested in the remains of the mayan culture 考古學家對瑪雅文明的遺芨行巳

Archaeologists have brought many buried dinosaur fossils to light 考古學家們發現了許多埋藏的恐龍化石

The archaeologist unearthed a buried treasure last year 去年,那位考古學家發掘了埋在地下的一個寶藏。