
archaeological adj.考古學(上)的。adv.-ly


Archaeological excavation at sha ha part 1 沙下考古發掘(一)

Archaeological excavation at sha ha part 2 沙下考古發掘(二)

Qin bamboo slips at shuihudi in yunmeng county : archaeological meanings 云夢睡虎地秦簡的考古學意義

Site of special archaeological interest 具特殊考古價值的地點

Journal of the hong kong archaeological society vol . xv 1999 - 2002 《香港考古學會會刊》 (第十五期)

Archaeological studies of chinese music and military cryptograph 中國樂曲考古學與軍事密碼學的比較

Recent archaeological discoveries in tuen mun 屯門近年考古發現

Systems theory in archaeological research 考古學研究中的系統論

Recent archaeological discoveries in sha ha , sai kung and hong kong 西貢沙下及香港近期的考古發現

This is a valuable archaeological find 這是頗有價值的考古發現

Recent archaeological discoveries in hong kong 香港近期考古發現

Which are the most recent archaeological excavations in hong kong 本港近年有哪些考古發掘工作?

Archaeological discoveries in sha ha , sai kung 西貢沙下考古發現

That was a great archaeological find 那是一次了不起的考古發現。

Origins of jinyang culture traced back to archaeological discovery 從考古發現追溯晉陽文化淵源

Thank thieves for an archaeological discovery with some real bite 這一考古發現要感謝盜墓者。

Archaeological discoveries and researches on the daxinzhuang site 大辛莊遺址的考古發現與研究

The new archaeological exploration of north hun moved to west 關于北匈奴西遷的考古學新探索

Assistant curator i archaeological repository 一級助理館長(考古庋藏)