
archaean n.,adj.【地質學;地理學】太古代(的);太古代巖石...


It suggests that gold accumulation occurred in the every main stage of geologic history of fujian from late - archaean era to quaternary period but the scale and the feature of the gold accumulation are different in different stage and yanshan metallogenic epoch is the most important period of mineralization of fujian gold deposits 提出福建省內自晚太古代至第四紀的各個地質歷史發展的主要階段均有金的富集作用,但不同階段所形成的金富集規模及特征明顯有別,燕山期為福建省金礦最重要的成礦期。

Focused on archaean fractured reservoir of metamorphic rock in the damintun depression of liaohe basin , by the newly studied methods , the author predicts fractures in buried hills by drilling , coring , well logging and seismic data intergrately 本文以遼河盆地大民屯凹陷太古界變質巖裂縫性儲層為研究對象,從技術研究的角度出發,首次探索了利用鉆井取芯、測井和地震資料綜合預測潛山裂縫發育的方法。

Archaean cell walls lack murein , a common component of bacterial cell walls , and their lipids have ether links rather than ester links 古細菌的細胞壁缺乏細菌細胞壁組成的普遍物質-胞壁質,其連接是醚連接而不是酯連接。

It was early in the archaean era , 3 . 8 to 2 . 5 billion years ago , that life first appeared on earth 它在及早在archaean時代, 3 . 8到2 . 5十億年前,生活第一次出現在地球上。

In fact , all life during the more than one billion years of the archaean was bacterial 實際上,所有生活在archaean的超過一十億年期間是細菌的。

The archaean and katarchaean units are preserved mainly as relic masses . 太古界與遠太古界主要作為殘余體保存下來。