
arch n.1.【建筑】弓架結構;拱廊;拱門;弓形門;穹窿,拱洞...

“you yellow-blooded nigger,“ arch said rushing at him . “你這個膽小的黑鬼,”阿奇說,一邊朝他沖過去。

“i always make it a habit of asking a man first,“ arch said . “我總是習慣先問一聲,”阿奇說。

“he's a playful dog, lonnie,“ arch said . “他是只調皮的狗,朗尼,”阿奇說。


Romola had had her eyes fixed absently on the arched opening, but she had not seen the distant hill . 羅摩拉的眼睛剛才是失神地望著拱門的外面,但是她根本沒有看見遠處的山丘。

She flung him a look of arch triumph, which caused that diplomatist almost to choke with envy . 她得意洋洋地瞧了他一眼,臉上的表情著實頑皮,那外交官妒忌得差點一口氣上不來。

Carol kicked off her silver slippers, and ignored the universal glance at her arches . 卡蘿爾一下子把她的銀色便鞋踢掉了,盡管大家睜大眼睛瞅著她的腳丫子,她卻滿不在乎。

Bridge roadways, edge girders and arches must be blasted so that they are broken at vital points . 橋上路面,邊緣橫梁和橋拱,都必須加以爆破,以保證在重要部位上的破碎。

This tongue causes the flat autochthonous beds below to appear arched upward because of velocity pull-up . 就是這個巖舌造成它下面的原生地層由于速度的急增而向上拱起。

His features are strong and masculine, with an austrian lip and arched nose, his complexion olive . 他的儀表威武英俊,有著奧地利人的嘴唇、鷹鉤鼻子、棕黃色面皮。

Arch gunnard would let nothing stand in his way when once he had set his head on what he wished to do . 阿奇岡納特一旦拿定主意想干一件事,什么也攔不住他的路。

Arch gunnard would let nothing stand in his way when once he had set his head on what he wished to do . 阿奇岡納特一旦拿定主意想干一件事,什么也攔不住他。

Thrust block may bridge the space between the termination of the arch and the foundation rock at the same elevation . 推力墩可以跨在拱腳和同高程的基巖之間。

That was what the guide asked, when we were looking up at the bronze horses on the arch of peace . 我們正在仰望和平門上的幾匹青銅馬,向導這么問了一句。

The scheme is a transition between the box girder with vertical piers and the true arch . 該結構是具有垂直墩的箱梁橋鋼與真正的拱橋之間的一種過渡形式。

A separate structure is provided to block the space between the arch dam and the reservoir bank . 需要另有一種單獨的結構物來填補拱壩的庫岸之間的空間。

The upper and lower jaws possess straight tooth rows and the jaw arches are almost rectangular in shape . 上、下頜具有直的齒列,而頜弓幾乎呈直角形。

When he and his family did not get enough food, clem came right out and told arch so . 當他和家屬領到的食物不夠吃時,克萊姆就直言不諱地對阿奇講。

The beautiful sparse shadows of the arching willows were like a picture etched on the lotus leaves . 彎彎的楊柳的稀疏的倩影,象是畫在荷葉上。

Arch spat some more tobacco juice on his boot top and whetted the jackknife blade some more . 阿奇又朝靴面上吐了些煙沫,再把大折刀磨了幾下。