
arcanum n.(pl. arcanums, -na )1.秘密的知...

“ practice this time , “ said president bush . powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old “ south pacific “ standard “ some enchanted evening “ - with lyrics bent to the arcana of southeast asian foreign relations 接著,鮑威爾和其工作人員起立,滿懷熱情地緩緩唱起了那首古老的經典南太平洋歌曲“迷人的夜晚“ ,其歌詞暗指了東南亞地區微妙的外交關系。

Powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old “ south pacific “ standard “ some enchanted evening “ - with lyrics bent to the arcana of southeast asian foreign relations 接著,鮑威爾和其工作人員起立,滿懷熱情地緩緩唱起了那首古老的經典南太平洋歌曲“迷人的夜晚“ ,其歌詞暗指了東南亞地區微妙的外交關系。

Twenty - one numbered cards , called trumps or the “ major arcana . 21張有號數的牌,叫做“王牌“或“主牌


Like the arcanum they pursue , such mages tend to be subtle , owing much less ( despite what others might think ) to bad horror movies and heavy metal than to a pervasive , cold and clinical outlook on creation , one in which they have already perceived the destiny of everything and flensed away their fear in the crucible that is the knowledge that all things must die in time 就如同他們所追尋的奧秘,比起(不管其他人怎么想)因劣質恐怖電影和重金屬之影響,冷酷默然的觀念更使這些法師逐漸變得神經質,那使他們所理解萬物的宿命以及從嚴酷的考驗中剝離他們的恐懼的,就是那萬物必須適時死亡的認知

Books on the patria cycle include the theatre of confluence arcana editions , patria : the complete cycle , coach house press in 2002 , and the newly published childrens storybook version of the enchanted forest , written by schafer and illustrated by diana smith in 2005 . an accompanying cd features murray schafer narrating the story , supported by la jeunesse choir under the direction of marie anderson , and soloists eleanor james and sarah ormerod 隨著劇情的展開,歌唱家優美的歌喉與樂隊交織在一起,高潮此起彼伏,在上半場快要結束的時候,突然一切靜了下來,只聽到微微的鳥叫蟲鳴,此時從湖邊的森林里傳來了幽幽的女生合唱,純美聲音由微弱漸漸地加強,由遠而近,好似由天國里傳來的歌聲,把觀眾帶入到另一個美妙的世界里。

“ practice this time , “ said president bush . powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old “ south pacific “ standard “ some enchanted evening “ - with lyrics bent to the arcana of southeast asian foreign relations 接著,鮑威爾和其工作人員起立,滿懷熱情地緩緩唱起了那首古老的經典南太平洋歌曲“迷人的夜晚“ ,其歌詞暗指了東南亞地區微妙的外交關系。

Death is one of twenty - two trump cards , collectively referred to as the major arcana . in the most popular deck on the market the rider - waite - smith deck from u . s . gamesdeath is depicted as an armor - suited skeleton astride a white horse 在市面上最受歡迎的牌中- u . s . games出版的rider - waite牌-死神牌是描繪成一個穿著盔甲的骷髏骨騎白馬。

Powell and staff then rose and labored with gusto through the old “ south pacific “ standard “ some enchanted evening “ - with lyrics bent to the arcana of southeast asian foreign relations 接著,鮑威爾和其工作人員起立,滿懷熱情地緩緩唱起了那首古老的經典南太平洋歌曲“迷人的夜晚“ ,其歌詞暗指了東南亞地區微妙的外交關系。

Whatever the philosophical arcana of the ield , there are already cases where neurotechnology may have a practical effect on people ' s moral development 無論是怎樣的哲學的神秘領域,在那已有案例,神經技術也許有一個特殊的效果對人類的道德發展。

Moondream : hope to be teached by professional performer of flute and piccolo , i am a flute fancier but now i have not understand the flute s arcanum 夢月:希望能得到長笛或短笛專業人員的指引,我是長笛愛好者,現在還未曾懂得長笛的奧秘!

Knowledge ( arcana ) is appropriate for arcane casters , and knowledge ( religion ) or knowledge ( nature ) is appropriate for divine casters 對于奧術施法者為知識(神秘) ,對于神術施法者為知識(宗教)或知識(自然) 。

Remote knight - errant : hello , i am a bamboo flute fancier , hope you , a stranger , to explore for its arcanum 千里孤俠:你好,我是一位笛子愛好者,希望陌生的你與我共討它的奧妙。

Ghosts and the dead fall under the purview of this arcanum , as does the health of the soul 鬼魂以及死者屬于此奧秘范圍內,以及靈魂的健康。

The major arcana 大阿爾克那

The minor arcana 小阿爾克那

The kit includes 22 two - dimensional major arcana , user manual and table cloth 套裝內包括22張立體塔羅牌主牌,使用說明,桌布

This tarot kit includes 22 major arcana , a table cloth and user manual 此副立體塔羅牌套裝包括22張主牌,桌布及使用守則。

Twenty - one numbered cards , called trumps or the “ major arcana . 21張有號數的牌,叫做“王牌“或“主牌

Matier : it seemed that you obtained the final arcana 看來你找到最后的阿卡那祭器了。