
arcadia n.1.阿卡狄亞〔古希臘一山地牧區,以境內居民生活淳樸與...

Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year . “ you could have missed your vocation in life 一同在場的阿卡迪亞服裝集團總裁菲利普格林爵士說,布萊爾有初學者的天分,并邀請布萊爾明年離任后到他的公司工作。

Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year . “ you could have missed your vocation in 一同在場的阿卡迪亞服裝集團總裁菲利普格林爵士說,布萊爾有初學者的天分,并邀請布萊爾明年離任后到他的公司工作。


As the story is told in the homeric hymn , the hymn to hermes , maia was a nymph , but greeks generally applied the name to a midwife or a wise and gentle old woman , so the nymph appears to have been an ancient one , one of the pleiades taking refuge in a cave of arcadia 作為一個流傳了《荷馬史詩》的故事,每亞是一位美麗的少女,但希臘人通常把她的名字加于接生婆或者明智和文雅的老婦人身上,因此美麗的少女已經成為了古老的一位,昴宿星團的其中之一,到阿卡狄亞的山洞里尋求庇護。

Sales of the remaining units of central residences , fuzhou and arcadia court , shenzhen continued during the first six months of 2005 . in shanghai , development of the 642 , 000 square - foot central residences phase ii ( a high - end residential property project ) in changning district , and the 1 , 603 , 000 square - foot kerry everbright city phase ii in zhabei district , are scheduled for completion respectively in the fourth quarter of 2005 and in phases during 2007 and 2008 上海長寧區總樓面面積達642 , 000平方尺的嘉里華庭第ii期高尚住宅發展項目預期于二零零五年第四季落成,而閘北區總樓面面積達1 , 603 , 000平方尺的嘉里不夜城第ii期則將分階段于二零零七年及二零零八年竣工。

Sales of the remaining units of central residences , fuzhou and arcadia court , shenzhen continued during the first six months of 2005 . in shanghai , development of the 642 , 000 square - foot central residences phase ii a high - end residential property project in changning district , and the 1 , 603 , 000 square - foot kerry everbright city phase ii in zhabei district , are scheduled for completion respectively in the fourth quarter of 2005 and in phases during 2007 and 2008 上海長寧區總樓面面積達642 , 000平方尺的嘉里華庭第ii期高尚住宅發展項目預期于二零零五年第四季落成,而閘北區總樓面面積達1 , 603 , 000平方尺的嘉里不夜城第ii期則將分階段于二零零七年及二零零八年竣工。

Suart will talk on twenty - six topics including : celebrity , the call of the north , don quixote and self - reference , moby dick and nineteenth century whaling , frankenstein , cuddly penguins , polar expeditions , arcadia , and global warming 小話將談論這26個題目,包括名流、北國的呼喚、唐吉訶德與自我參照、 moby dick與19世紀捕鯨活動、科學怪人、親親小企鵝、北極探險、世外桃源、全球變暖危機等。

Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year . “ you could have missed your vocation in life 一同在場的阿卡迪亞服裝集團總裁菲利普格林爵士說,布萊爾有初學者的天分,并邀請布萊爾明年離任后到他的公司工作。

Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year . “ you could have missed your vocation in 一同在場的阿卡迪亞服裝集團總裁菲利普格林爵士說,布萊爾有初學者的天分,并邀請布萊爾明年離任后到他的公司工作。

News of the windfall came as arcadia , which mr green bought three years ago to make him the uk ‘ s wealthiest private businessman , reported a 10 per cent increase in operating profits before goodwill to 326 . 1m on sales of 1 . 77bn 格林先生這筆橫財的消息傳出時,阿卡迪亞公布,集團扣除商譽前的運營利潤增長了10 % ,達3 . 261億英鎊,銷售額為17 . 7億英鎊。

News of the windfall came as arcadia which mr green bought three years ago to make him the uk s wealthiest private businessman reported a 10 per cent increase in operating profits before goodwill to 326 . 1m on sales of 1 . 77bn 格林先生這筆橫財的消息傳出時,阿卡迪亞公布,集團扣除商譽前的運營利潤增長了10 % ,達3 . 261億英鎊,銷售額為17 . 7億英鎊。

Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group which includes british high street giants such as topshop , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year 一同在場的阿卡迪亞服裝集團總裁菲利普格林爵士說,布萊爾有初學者的天分,并邀請布萊爾明年離任后到他的公司工作。

Arcadia shanghai in xuhui consists of two serviced apartment blocks completed in 1999 and a residential tower completed in 2004 . the total gross floor area is about 640 , 000 square feet 位于上海徐匯區的名仕苑由兩幢于1999年建成的服務式住宅,以及一座于2004年落成的住宅大樓組成,總樓面面積為64萬平方尺。

Why is the underplot of king lear in which edmund figures lifted out of sidney s arcadia and spatchcocked on to a celtic legend older than history ? - that was will s way , john eglinton defended 李爾王中愛德蒙登場的插話取自錫德尼的阿卡迪亞,為什么要把它填補到比歷史還古老的凱爾特傳說中去呢? ”

It features a picturesque artificial lake . with a lakeshore densely planted with willow trees and the water lilies and duckweed floating on the water , this place is an idyllic arcadia :在這個明澈的人工湖景區,湖畔垂柳遍植,潭面水蓮浮萍飄蕩,仿如置身仙境,是個名不虛傳的觀光勝地。

He also plans to build an open - air shopping centre by a race track in the city of arcadia , where the weary will be transported from shop to shop in a horse - drawn carriage 他還計劃在阿凱迪亞市的最著名的賽馬場旁邊建造一座露天的購物中心,旅途勞累者可以坐在馬拉車上在游蕩于商店之間。

Sir philip green , owner of the arcadia group , reckoned blair had some talent for a novice and offered him a job once he quits office next year 一同在場的阿卡迪亞服裝集團的總裁菲利普?格林爵士就說,布萊爾有初學者的天分,并邀請了布萊爾明年離任后到他的公司工作。

Though temples to hermes existed throughout greece , a center of his cult was at pheneos in arcadia , where festivals in his honor were called hermoea 盡管赫密士的廟宇遍及整個希臘,他的一個祭禮中心位于阿卡狄亞的菲尼奧斯,有一個稱為赫莫里亞的節日用來慶祝他。

Prc property sales proceeds were principally derived from three projects : central residences phase i in shanghai , central residences in fuzhou and arcadia court in shenzhen 內地物業銷售所得款項主要來自三大項目:上海嘉里華庭第1期福州御泉花園及深圳雅頌居。

Philip green the owner of arcadia revealed on thursday he has paid himself a 1 . 2bn dividend more than three times the retail group s annual operating profits 格林philip green周四透露,他已給自己發放12億英鎊股息。這一數字是阿卡迪亞年營業利潤的三倍多。