
arbour n.1.(樹枝交叉形成的)棚架,藤架,涼亭。2.〔廢語〕...


The overall mood of the design is unsophisticated with a dramatic merger with the surrounding high - rise buildings by the structural elements of a mini - cascade and a diagonal wooden arbour running across the plot as a controlling framework for the randomness planting 在巧妙的布局下,四周的高樓大廈與園內的瀑布水池和木花棚,不但沒有格格不入之感,反而出奇地融為一體。

And the citizen and bloom having an argument about the point , the brothers sheares and wolfe tone beyond on arbour hill and robert emmet and die for your country , the tommy moore touch about sara curran and she s far from the land 且說“市民”和布盧姆正圍繞剛才那個問題爭論著呢:被處死于阿伯山的希爾斯弟兄175和沃爾夫托恩176啦。

Education : high school at stuyvesant h . s . new york university dropped out within a year university of michigan at ann arbour a degree in asian languages and culture 1986年露西高中畢業,進入紐約大學學習,一年后,由于她對紐約大學沒有好感,轉入了密歇根大學繼續學習,并學成畢業,獲得了亞洲語言與文化學學位。

Mer mer mer arbour ! chanted the drunken peasant , smiling blissfully , and gazing at ilyin as he talked to the girl “我的心肝呀寶貝兒”那醉漢一邊唱,一邊用眼睛瞅著和姑娘談話的伊林,露出幸福的微笑。

Inchicore , roundtown , windy arbour , palmerston park , ranelagh . f . a . b . p . got that 英奇科爾圓鎮風亭帕默斯頓公園拉尼拉。

The arbour was an arch in the wall , lined with ivy ; it contained a rustic seat 這涼棚是搭在墻上的一個拱頂,爬滿了藤蔓。

Under the bricks in the grape arbour . no , no . they ' d dig for it 葡萄亭的磚頭下?不,不,他們會挖的

Here , jane , is an arbour ; sit down 來,簡,這里有個涼棚,坐下吧。 ”

The honours of the mulberry tree, the canal and the yew arbour would all be made over to her . 桑樹、水渠和紫杉木的樹蔭帶來的榮譽都會移交給她。

Benedick was quietly seated reading in an arbour . 培尼狄克靜靜地坐在涼亭里看書。