
arborization n.(結晶、血管等的)樹枝狀。


However , the advance of intracellular labeling techniques enables us not only to visualize more complete dendritic arbor for qualitative analysis , but also to examine the relation between changes in the dendritic arborization and the evoked fast postsynaptic curents - 3 - ( fpscs ) in the same neurons during the postnatal development the aim of this study was to systematically examine the postnatal changes in the configuration of fpscs evoked by the focal stimulation of the stratum radiatum of the ca1 region , and the relationship between the dendritic arborization and evoked fpscs in the rat hippocampal ca1 pyramidal neurons using whole - cell blind patch recording technique combined with biocytin intracellular labeling during the postnatal development ( postnatal day 2 - 70 , p2 - p70 ) 但是,細胞內染色技術的進步使我們不僅能觀察到更完整的樹突分支來用于定性研究,而且也可以在同一神經元上研究在發育過程中樹突分支的變化與誘發的快突觸后電流( fastpostsynapticcurrents , fpscs )之間的關系。因此,本研究應用盲法腦片膜片鉗記錄并結合biocytin細胞內染色方法,對發育過程中(生后2 70天)局部刺激大鼠海馬ca1區輻射層在錐體神經元誘發的fpscs的成分變化,以及ca1錐體神經元的樹突分支與誘發的fpscs的關系進行了較為系統的研究。

The fpscs increased in the amplitude with the growth of dendritic arborization but decreased in the number of peaks 隨著樹突分支的發育,此fpscs的幅值增加而峰數減少。