
arborescent adj.1.樹狀的。2.樹枝狀的。


In fact in the die casting process , when the liquid metal have not solidified completely , in order to break arborescent structures which have already solidified and then proceed fine - crystal intensification , we apply a deforming force , so the mechanical properties of parts produced by liquid combination process of die casting and forging will be improved significantly 其實質就是在壓鑄基礎上,待型腔中的液態金屬還沒有完全凝固時,立即施加一個變形力,打碎已經凝固的枝晶組織。鑄鍛雙控成形工藝主要適合生產形狀復雜和強度要求高的汽車零部件和其它結構件。

The basibranchial bone of the second and the fourth gill arch form petioliform . the branches of the petioliform take shape arborescent and have ubisch process in the end 胡子鲇的鰓上器是由第二、第四對鰓弓基部的鰓骨向外突起形成柄部,柄部反復分支呈樹枝狀,其末端有球狀突起。

Arborescent drainage pattern 樹枝狀排水系

Arborescent phanerogamic type 木本顯花植物型