
arboreal adj.1.樹的,喬木的;木本的。2.棲息在樹上的,生活...

A breakthrough of the post - modern philosophy to its predecessors is that it has oppugned the basis of “ legitimacy “ of traditional philosophy composed of the “ trinity “ of “ identical theory “ , “ the doctrine of arboreal metaphor “ and “ dogmatic image of thoughts “ , and has re - shaped the basis of “ legitimacy “ of the post - modern philosophy by the “ trinity “ of “ theory of difference “ , “ doctrine of rhizome “ and “ nomadic thoughts “ with the banner that “ philosophy is creating concepts “ 后現代哲學對此前哲學的突破,就在于它質疑了后者的以“同一說” 、 “樹喻說”和“獨斷思想形象”為要素的“三位一體”的“合法性”基礎,并在“哲學就是概念的創造”的旗號下,以“差異說” 、 “塊莖說”和“游牧思想”為基礎的“三位一體”重塑了后現代哲學的合法性基礎。

“ the first primates , you could say , looked quite a bit like arboreal tree shrews , “ sargis added . “ they were mixed feeders , eating fruit and insects and living in the trees . “最早的靈長類動物,看上去有點象樹棲地鼠,它們是雜食動物,食用水果和昆蟲,在樹上生活.


In this field observation we also find an important fact that , even during storm surge period , high tidal flat can still be in sedimentation in some place , no erosion occurred . to tell the typhoon storm surges from cold wave storm surges , 12 monthly sedimentary samples are collected from the modern tidal flat surface at dafeng , jiangsu . palynological analysis of these samples indicates that the seasonal palynological features of the tidal flat sediment are very obvious and some palynological indexes , such as taxon percentage of arboreal , herbaceous pollen and spore , are good indicators to tell the seasonality of the tidal flat deposits 為區分風暴潮沉積是由臺風引致還是由寒流或冷鋒引致,對長期處于淤積狀態的江蘇中部大豐縣斗龍港附近潮灘,采集了一年中每月小潮期間灘面表層泥樣,并在啟東茅家港灘面分別采集了6月、 9月與12月的表層泥樣,在實驗室中,對這些樣品進行孢粉等分析,認為在以粉砂、泥為主的潮灘沉積中,孢粉種類百分比,尤其是木本種類占孢粉總種類的百分比是判別季節性潮灘的重要指標,通過啟東茅家港工程建設區淤積狀況的觀測記錄對這一判別指標進行了驗證。

A breakthrough of the post - modern philosophy to its predecessors is that it has oppugned the basis of “ legitimacy “ of traditional philosophy composed of the “ trinity “ of “ identical theory “ , “ the doctrine of arboreal metaphor “ and “ dogmatic image of thoughts “ , and has re - shaped the basis of “ legitimacy “ of the post - modern philosophy by the “ trinity “ of “ theory of difference “ , “ doctrine of rhizome “ and “ nomadic thoughts “ with the banner that “ philosophy is creating concepts “ 后現代哲學對此前哲學的突破,就在于它質疑了后者的以“同一說” 、 “樹喻說”和“獨斷思想形象”為要素的“三位一體”的“合法性”基礎,并在“哲學就是概念的創造”的旗號下,以“差異說” 、 “塊莖說”和“游牧思想”為基礎的“三位一體”重塑了后現代哲學的合法性基礎。

While we admit that he is a postmodern political thinker , he is first of all a postmodern philosopher . deleuze ' s political thoughts are refined from the postmodern context , so they have their basis of postmodern philosophy . deleuze constitutes a kind of thought of nomadic philosophy based on difference , multiplicity , dynamism in the process of overturning identical philosophy , dogmatic image of thought , and the arboreal mode of thought 德勒茲的政治思想是在后現代語境中提煉出來的,故而首先存在著一個后現代哲學基礎。在顛覆柏拉圖及后世同一哲學、獨斷思想形象、以及樹狀思維模式的過程中,德勒茲建立起了一種以差異、多樣性和力本論( dynamism )為基礎的游牧式哲學思想。

In the mild breezes of the west and of the east the lofty trees wave in different directions their first class foliage , the wafty sycamore , the lebanonian cedar , the exalted planetree , the eugenic eucalyptus and other ornaments of the arboreal world with which that region is thoroughly well supplied 在微微的西風和東風中,高聳的樹朝四面八方搖擺著它們那優美的茂葉,飄香的埃及榕黎巴嫩杉沖天的法國梧桐良種按樹以及郁郁蔥蔥遍布這一地區的其他喬木界瑰寶。

The argument centered on the observation that whereas a . afarensis has clear adaptations to bipedal walking in its lower body , its upper body exhibits a number of primitive traits better suited to an arboreal existence , such as long , curved fingers for grasping tree branches 爭論集中在這個事實上:盡管南方古猿阿法種下肢明顯適應雙腿著地的行走,但其上肢還依然顯示了為數不少的更適于樹上生存的原始特征,例如用于抓握樹枝的長且彎曲的手指。

Whereas modern apes exhibit a rich repertoire of locomotory modes ? from the highly acrobatic brachiation employed by the arboreal gibbon to the gorilla ' s terrestrial knuckle walking ? early miocene apes were obliged to travel along tree branches on all fours 雖然現代猿的移動模式花樣繁多,例如長臂猿在樹間以雙臂移動身體、大猩猩在地面上以上肢手背關節支撐體重,但是中新世早期的猿類都以四肢在樹枝上活動。

Members of this school think that powered flight developed as a natural extension of gliding ( such controlled falling is used as a way of travelling from tree to tree by several arboreal species today ) 這個學派的成員認為,這讓鳥的滑行能力自然而然地進化到飛行能力(今天的一些樹棲物種從一棵樹到達另一顆樹就使用了這種能自控的下滑能力) 。

However , as the lizards grew ever more arboreal in habitat , the scientists projected that natural selection would begin to favor shorter limbs , which are better suited to navigating narrow branches and twigs 但是,當這種蜥蜴逐漸養成樹棲習性時,科學家們預計自然選擇會開始傾向于短肢的品種,因為短肢更適合于攀爬狹窄的樹枝。

The high resolution palynological records from sihenan profile reveal that the non - arboreal pollen is the most important part of the pollen assemblage in luoyang , henan province within the last 7 . 000 abp 對河南洛陽寺河南剖面進行的高分辨率的孢粉分析表明,該地區中全新世以來的孢粉組合以草本植物占絕對優勢。

One camp held that a . afarensis had transitioned fully to terrestrial life , and that the tree - friendly features of the upper body were just evolutionary baggage handed down from an arboreal ancestor 論戰的一個陣營認為他們已經完全轉變為陸地生活,其上肢對于樹的適應特征只是來自樹棲遠祖的進化殘留。

Zone p2 : there appeared two peaks of the concentration of arboreal and shrubby pollens and in arboreal and shrubby pollens the percent of pollens of deciduous broadleaf trees is comparatively high 33 ,且以蒿、蔡為主;木本(喬木和灌木)植物花粉含量為8 33上89 ,濃度也很低,僅為0

“ the first primates , you could say , looked quite a bit like arboreal tree shrews , “ sargis added . “ they were mixed feeders , eating fruit and insects and living in the trees . “最早的靈長類動物,看上去有點象樹棲地鼠,它們是雜食動物,食用水果和昆蟲,在樹上生活.

You may also have a glimpse of squirrels . they are the most common kind of arboreal mammals in hong kong 此外,你還可以瞥見松鼠的蹤影,它們是香港眾多棲息于樹上的哺乳類動物之中,最常見的其中一種。

The minority that qualify to be enlisted in the elitist group no doubt constitute the precious gems of our arboreal population 它們擁有高大茁壯的樹干,優美俊秀的形態,不啻是樹木寶庫的珍品。

The baron in the trees is the wonderfully witty novel of cosimo ' s unique arboreal existence 《樹上的男爵》是一部關于柯西莫獨一無二的樹棲生活的小說,書中的想象力和智慧令人嘆服。

Orioles are arboreal birds , and when they descend to the ground , it is mainly to gather nest materials 白頭翁主要生活在空中,到地上來時,主要是為了收集建巢材料。

The animal is the rarest arboreal , jungle - dwelling kangaroo in the world , the researchers say 動物在世界上是最稀有的樹,居住叢林的大袋鼠,那些研究人員說。