
arbitrator n.仲裁人,裁決者。

En : but he said to him , “ friend , who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you ? 注意一點:中文圣經翻譯成“你這個人” ,而英文的直譯意思是“朋友” !更能感受和看到神的慈愛。感謝主!

But he said to him , “ man , who appointed me a judge or arbitrator over you ? 路12 : 14耶穌說、你這個人、誰立我作你們斷事的官、給你們分家業呢。


We think that the court consisting of arbitrators from both sides must be fair and able to handle the dispute without bias or partiality 我們認為法庭由雙方仲裁員組成一定能公平且無偏見或偏袒地解決糾紛。

The presiding arbitrator and the two appointed arbitrators will jointly form an arbitration tribunal to jointly hear the case 首席仲裁員與被選定或者被指定的兩名仲裁員組成仲裁庭,共同審理案件。

He graduated from king s college , london university and is a fellow of both king s college and the institute of arbitrators 關先生畢業于倫敦大學英皇學院,獲頒發院士名譽,并為仲裁學會院士。

Arbitration is a legal process through which awards are issued to the disputing parties by arbitrator ( s ) rather than the court 仲裁是法律程序,但裁決是由仲裁員而非法庭向爭議各方作出。

The conciliation statement shall be signed by the arbitrators , sealed by the arbitration commission , and served on both parties 調解書由仲裁員簽名,加蓋仲裁委員會印章,送達雙方當事人。

The arbitrators , recorder , parties and other participants to the arbitration shall sign or affix their seals to the record 筆錄由仲裁員、記錄人員、當事人和其他仲裁參與人簽名或者蓋章。

At the end of the debate , the presiding arbitrator or the sole arbitrator shall ask for the final opinion of the parties 辯論終結時,首席仲裁員或者獨任仲裁員應當征詢當事人的最后意見。

Arbitration is a legal process through which awards are issued to the disputing parties by arbitrator rather than the court 仲裁是法律程序,但裁決是由仲裁員而非法庭向爭議各方作出。

En : but he said to him , “ friend , who set me to be a judge or arbitrator over you ? 注意一點:中文圣經翻譯成“你這個人” ,而英文的直譯意思是“朋友” !更能感受和看到神的慈愛。感謝主!

The arbitration decision reached by the arbitrators shall be accepted by both parties as final and binding 仲裁員所作的仲裁裁決應為雙方當事人作為終局裁決接受,對雙方均具有約束力。

The arbitrator will be seated at a small table just outside the safety area , behind , and to the left of the referee 監查員將坐在安全區域外面的小桌子,位置在主審的左后方。

Assist gdrcc as an arbitrator on controversial occurred among projects within gdrcc data centralization project 協助廣東農信對數據大集中工程各項目之間出現的爭議進行仲裁。

The standard arbitration institution stipulates the procedures of arbitration and keeps the name list of the arbitrator 常設仲裁機構規定了仲裁手續,還備有仲裁人名簿。

Furthermore , this part studies on the taking of evidence abroad by arbitration institutions and arbitrators 此外,該部分還研究了仲裁機構或仲裁員在域外取證的問題。

To order the referee to halt the match when the arbitrator signals a contravention of the rules of competition 下令主審暫停比賽,當監察出示訊號有違反競賽規則發生。

Article 30 the chairman of the arbitration commission shall decide whether an arbitrator should be withdrawn 第三十條仲裁員是否回避,由仲裁委員會主任作出決定。

A person appointed to settle a dispute that mediators have been unable to resolve ; an arbitrator 仲裁人當調解人無法解決時被指定解決爭議的人;仲裁人