
arbitration n.仲裁,公斷,調解。 arbitration of e...


On the judicial supervision in the international arbitration 論國際商事仲裁中的司法監督

The substantial validity of electronic arbitration agreement 論電子仲裁協議的實質有效性

Most of the contract have arbitration clause 大多數的合同都有仲裁條款。

Defects and remedies of china ' s personnel arbitration 我國人事爭議仲裁制度的缺陷及完善

The arbitration award shall be binding upon both parties 仲裁的裁決對雙方都是終局的。

The arbitration rules of this commission 中國國際經濟貿易仲裁委員會北京

Foreign economic and trade arbitration commission 對外經濟貿易仲裁委員會

2 . arbitration amendment bill 1996 2 . 1996年仲裁修訂條例草案:律政司

Positivist research of china ' s arbitration system 中國仲裁制度的實證研究

Let ' s not submit our disputes for arbitration 我們還是別把爭執提交仲裁。

The fees for arbitration shall be borne by the losing party 仲裁費用應由敗訴方承擔。

We also attach great importance to the arbitration clause 我們對仲裁條款也非常重視。

On some of the problems of the china arbitration law 中國商事仲裁法律制度若干問題研究

How to improve the labour dispute arbitration system 我國勞動爭議仲裁制度的不足及完善

Brief analysis of the liability system of commercial arbitration 商事仲裁責任制度簡論

Judicial supervision of arbitration by people ' s law court 論人民法院對仲裁的司法監督

So now i have them helping with the arbitration , 所以我現在要他們幫忙仲裁,

Thinking on setting up an hoc arbitration system in china 我國建立臨時仲裁制度之思考

The cost of arbitration shall be borne by the losing party 仲裁費用應由敗訴方承擔。