
arbitrary adj.1.任意的;任性的,隨心所欲的。2.霸道的,專橫...

It may divert profits from one jurisdiction to another by charging arbitrary “transfer prices“ on materials or components . 它可以通過對各種原料或零部件收取由其任意規定的“調撥價格,”從而將利潤從一個管轄國轉移到另一個管轄國。


Molly arbitrary ball games - 4455 miniclip games 無敵任意球小游戲- 4399小游戲

This structure may have an arbitrary number of bundles 該結構可以有任意數目的包。

Curvature measuring apparatus of arbitrary shape curved surface 任意曲面曲率測量儀

Arbitrary world cup ball games - 4455 miniclip games 任意球世界杯小游戲- 4399小游戲

How to encrypt arbitrary tcp connections inside ssl 如何在ssl內加密任意tcp連接

Experts arbitrary ball games - 4455 miniclip games 任意球專家攻略- 4399小游戲網

Function arbitrary waveform generator , 20 mhz 函數發生器任意波形發生器, 80 mhz

Function arbitrary waveform generator , 80 mhz 函數發生器任意波形發生器, 80 mhz

Arbitrary baseball game games - 4455 miniclip games 任意棒球賽小游戲- 4399小游戲

Original arbitrary ball games - 4455 miniclip games 原始任意球小游戲- 4399小游戲

33250a function arbitrary waveform generator , 80 mhz 函數發生器任意波形發生器,

Introduction : click on the arbitrary start the game room 點擊任意房間開始游戲。

The convex decomposition of arbitrary planar polygon 任意平面多邊形的凸分解。

He, who fancied himself so scornful of arbitrary restrains, had been afraid to break away from his desk because of what people might think of his stealing a holiday . 他一貫認為自己非常蔑視嚴厲的管束,可這次卻不敢離開自己的辦公桌,因為怕人們對他偷度一個假日胡猜亂想。

It may divert profits from one jurisdiction to another by charging arbitrary “transfer prices“ on materials or components . 它可以通過對各種原料或零部件收取由其任意規定的“調撥價格,”從而將利潤從一個管轄國轉移到另一個管轄國。

But they view those who place this fact at the center of their explanations of underdevelopment as being eclectic and arbitrary . 但是,他們認為那些把這種情況當作解釋不發達問題的中心的人是折衷主義和專橫武斷。

Therefore, these equations with vanishing body forces cannot admit plane wave solutions under an arbitrary initial state of stress . 因此,這些方程當徹體力為零時,在任意的初始脅強狀態下并不具備平面波解。

We could attempt to get around this difficulty by initially assigning the arbitrary value to another of the unknowns rather than to xn. 開頭對另一個而不是Xn的未知數指定為任意常數,能試圖避免這個困難。