
arbitrariness n.1.任意;任性。2.霸道;專橫,獨斷,武斷。短語和例...

Such is the carnage at the initial landing ( the americans suffered 2 , 000 casualties that first day alone ) that there will be some temptation to compare the scene to current co - producer steven spielberg ' s justly celebrated d - day invasion sequence in “ saving private ryan . “ but eastwood does it his own way , impressively providing coherence and chaos , awesome panoramic shots revealing the enormous armada and sudden spasms of violence that with great simplicity point up the utter arbitrariness of suffering and death in combat 這是首登陸的大屠殺(僅是第一天美軍傷亡人數就達2 , 000人) ,這就讓人不禁拿它同共同制作人史蒂文.斯皮伯格近期著名的在< >盟國西歐登陸日系列的場景相比較.但是伊斯特伍德以自己的方式設計場景,另人印象深刻地提供一致與混亂,漂亮的全景取景,展示了龐大的艦隊和戰爭的突然爆發,同時,不乏對戰場上絕對任意的痛苦和死亡的樸素視角

To enlarge dla s discretion to enable him to waive the means test for “ capital offences “ seemed to be inconsistent with the existing legal aid policy and could create confusion and uncertainty or give rise to concern of subjectivity and arbitrariness ; and 擴大法援署署長的酌情權使其能豁免被控“死刑罪行”人士免受經濟審查,似乎不符合現行的法律援助政策,并可能產生混亂及不確知因素甚或引起對主觀性及武斷性的擔憂及

“ for writing that upholds the fragile experience of the individual against the barbaric arbitrariness of history 表彰他對脆弱的個人在對抗強大的野蠻強權時痛苦經歷的深刻刻畫以及他獨特的自傳體文學風格


Thus , the value effect of the board of supervisors should be to protect the shareholders ’ interests , to avoid arbitrariness of the board of directors , to inspect corporate financial and accounting status , and to prevent illegal actions of the corporation . part 3 compares and analyzes characteristics of supervisors board systems in different countries . then it raises the point that china ’ s supervisors board was born in an era when the incorporation reconstruction and the reform to establish modern enterprise system were started under the circumstances of inadequate business legal traditions and immature market mechanism 本文以完善我國監事會制度存在的缺陷為研究目的,在全面分析公司監事會制度產生的理論依據和價值功效的基礎上,通過對各國公司監事會制度與我國公司監事會制度之比較分析,從探討監事會“虛設”現象產生的根源入手,試圖提出旨在完善我國公司監事會制度的立法對策,即以《公司法》為核心強化公司內部監督機制;在現行《公司法》中賦予監事會獨立的法律地位;立法中加強監事會監督職能,擴大監督權限;使監事會制度與獨立董事制度相協調的方案,以期能為我國企業公司化改造和建立現代企業制度提供有利的保障。

This dissertation takes feuerbachs meticulous logical structure as masterstroke , explains his whole deduction process , which from the conception of civil penalty to the theory of psychological coercion , again from law deterrence to the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime . and it also states that , feuerbach takes the external behavior for condemnatory object , obviates the intervention of sentiment , abandons moral punishment or moral principles , moreover , excludes judiciary arbitrariness by means of law restriction , besides , emphasizes law deterrence and creates the theory of psychological coercion , and as a result establishes the principle of legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime 本文以費爾巴哈嚴謹縝密的邏輯結構為主線,梳理了其從市民刑罰概念的構筑到心理強制說的提出、再到確定刑罰法規中法律威懾思想的確立直至罪刑法定主義原則的整個推論過程,闡釋了費爾巴哈把客觀的、外部的行為作為處罰的對象,排除情操的介入,把法律置于可罰性的絕對根據之中,擯棄道德性刑罰或道德性原理,通過把法官約束在法律之中的方式排斥了法官的恣意專斷,又強調法律的威懾,創立心理強制說,從而確立了罪刑法定主義的刑法思想。

Such is the carnage at the initial landing ( the americans suffered 2 , 000 casualties that first day alone ) that there will be some temptation to compare the scene to current co - producer steven spielberg ' s justly celebrated d - day invasion sequence in “ saving private ryan . “ but eastwood does it his own way , impressively providing coherence and chaos , awesome panoramic shots revealing the enormous armada and sudden spasms of violence that with great simplicity point up the utter arbitrariness of suffering and death in combat 這是首登陸的大屠殺(僅是第一天美軍傷亡人數就達2 , 000人) ,這就讓人不禁拿它同共同制作人史蒂文.斯皮伯格近期著名的在< >盟國西歐登陸日系列的場景相比較.但是伊斯特伍德以自己的方式設計場景,另人印象深刻地提供一致與混亂,漂亮的全景取景,展示了龐大的艦隊和戰爭的突然爆發,同時,不乏對戰場上絕對任意的痛苦和死亡的樸素視角

In the design and analysis of block cipher , considering the noncontinuity of encryption and decryption of advanced encryption standard - rijndael algorithm and the arbitrariness of the choice of polynomialm ( x ) , we change the modular polynomial and the polynomials used in process of encryption and decryption , which the encryption polynomial and the decryption polynomial are the same polynomials in our choices . the new algorithm have more continuity 在分組密碼的設計與分析方面:針對美國即將推出的高級加密標準rijndael算法的加解密的不一致性和rijndael算法中模多項式的選取隨意性,我們修改了rijndael算法中的模多項式和加解密所用的多項式,使得加解密取相同的多項式,這樣加密與解密具有更多相容性。

Nested cooperative game structure in game theory is introduced into our allocation scheme to eliminate the arbitrariness of incremental losses caused by the nonlinearity of losses function . some numerical results are used to compare our methods with those proposed in the literature and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method 同時,文章介紹了幾種國外文獻中所提到的網損分攤方法,并通過算例分析和比較說明了本文所提出的網損分攤策略的合理性和有效性。

If judges can create laws at will beyond or even discarding the spirits and principles of present laws , authority - exceeding as far as arbitrariness of judicature will occur , which over - magnifies the power of judges with civil rights open to the threats of new judge - made law all the time 如果法官可以超越甚至拋棄現行法律的精神和原則,隨心所欲地創造法律,那就會導致司法越權甚至司法專橫,這將會使法官的權力過大而使公民的權利隨時面臨著法官新造之法的威脅。

However , in our country , backwardness and deviation of theoretical study , simplicity and disorder of legislation , arbitrariness and confusion of judicial operation to self ? admission system is not suitable to successful conduct of civil procedure activities and current reform of civil procedure 而在我國,對自認制度理論研究的滯后與偏差,立法的簡單與紊亂,司法操作的隨意與混亂與民事訴訟活動的有效進行和當前的民事訴訟改革確是大異其趣。

From the perspective of language philosophy , language view , as well as arbitrariness and theoretical motivation , the paper explores the connectivity between saussure ' s idea on linguistics and cognitive grammar , with the expectation that more attention will be paid to the study in this respect 摘要本文從語言哲學、語言觀和任意性以及理據性的角度,探討了索緒爾語言學思想與認知語法的連通性,以期引發對這方面的問題給予更多的研究和關注。

In this thesis first the research the sr - df algorithm under the arbitrariness antenna array , which is based on the algorithm of music , second the algorithm has been put into realization on the hardware , so that in the later to embattle the antenna can reference to this thesis 本課題對比較適合的任意形狀天線陣進行了研究,在趨于成熟的music算法的基礎上,研究任意形狀超分辨測向天線陣通用算法,然后對該算法進行硬件的實現。

To enlarge dla s discretion to enable him to waive the means test for “ capital offences “ seemed to be inconsistent with the existing legal aid policy and could create confusion and uncertainty or give rise to concern of subjectivity and arbitrariness ; and 擴大法援署署長的酌情權使其能豁免被控“死刑罪行”人士免受經濟審查,似乎不符合現行的法律援助政策,并可能產生混亂及不確知因素甚或引起對主觀性及武斷性的擔憂及

This paper analyzes this law from many aspects such as the development of legislation and society , the coordination of law and technology , the arbitrariness and enforceability of laws and the effect as well as credit construction of electronic signatures in law 本文從立法與社會發展、法律與技術的協調、法律的任意性與強制性以及《電子簽名法》的作用與誠信建設等方面,對這部法律進行了法理解讀。

This is followed by the suggestion that actively borrowing of theoretical insights in cognitive linguistics and bringing to the student ' s consciousness the systematicity , non - arbitrariness and motivations of linguistic structures will facilitate efl teaching and learning 積極借鑒認知語言學的相關理論,使學生有意識關注語言結構的系統性、非任意性和理據對于促進英語教學和英語學習具有重要意義。

You know from dealings with china that its approach to the international trading system has historically suffered from arbitrariness , playing favorites , and mercantilism , reflecting the rule of men rather than of law 你們在與中國打交道中了解到,中國過去與國際貿易體系打交道的方式一向受到主觀隨意、厚此薄彼和營利主義的影響,反映了人治,而不是法治。

The importance of the philosophical ideology of question lies in the fact that it can bring the raising and resolving of the question to the high plane of philosophy , thus preventing from arbitrariness and embodying the spirit of times 哲學的問題意識就在于從哲學的角度重視問題的提出和問題的解決過程,以破除獨斷和昭彰時代精神。

Since prejudice always exists in human nature , it is held an epoch - making wisdom to restrict human arbitrariness through law of certainty , objectivity , and of form and science 摘要人性中總有偏私的一面,為此以確定性、客觀性、形式性、科學性的法律來限制行為模式中任意性的一面,可以被視為劃時代的智慧結晶。

Through analysing and computing the surface parameter , we have obtained arbitrariness sub - surface parameterised form nearby the extraordinary points , which can quickly efficiently and precisely compute all the sub - surfaces 通過對曲面參數化的分析、計算,得到了特征點附近的任意子面片的參數化格式。