
arbitrament n.1.仲裁。2.仲裁做出的決定,裁決。3.仲裁的權力。

1 ) consultation , 2 ) mediation , conciliation , reconciliation , 3 ) arbitration , 4 ) the penal , 5 ) appeal , 6 ) supervision on perform of the arbitrament and proposal what dsb decided . 7 ) punishment ( compensation and retaliation ) chapter introduced the international practice of the dispute settlement mechanism . it included two sections . section introduced the function of the dispute settlement mechanism 作者認為wto爭端解決機制是一把“雙刃劍“ :它一方面,通過政治的或法律的手段解決世貿組織成員間的貿易爭端,保障國際經濟貿易的正常開展;另一方面,世界貿易組織只是一個國際性組織,對擁有國家主權或地方性權利的成員方的約束是通過wto協定來實現的,這些協定是各成員方協商的結果,缺乏強制性。

It will also give a systematical analysis focused on the following problems of domestic construction expenditure compensation claiming : problems of construction project participants , problems of avoiding expenditure compensation - claiming risks , power of supervision and nodus of dealing with expenditure compensation - claiming , dilemma of contractors “ in face of system of project compensation - claiming , difficulty of arbitrament on expenditure compensation - claiming of the arbitration department , data management of evidence of expenditure compensation - claiming , problems of judging values of the expenditure compensation - claiming , and ways of judging values of the expenditure compensation - claiming and ways of solving expenditure compensation - claiming dispute 本文結合我國施工合同文本、施工索賠有關法律依據、從承包商的角度出發,主要對費用索賠的原因、分類、作用、條款、索賠事件的費用的構成進行系統的論述。并重點對國內施工費用索賠存在以下的問題進行系統分析:工程建設參與主體存在的問題、費用索賠風險防范問題、監理的權力及處理費用索賠難點、承包商面臨工程索賠機制的困境、仲裁部門對費用索賠裁決難點、費用索賠證據的資料管理、費用索賠計價依據存在問題和費用索賠計價方法、解決費用索賠爭議的方法。


Targets of its perfection are set to develop our contemporary arbitration law into a modern , systematic and workable one . principles for its perfection are given for us to follow and specific suggestions for the revision and perfection of our law both on structure and on speific logal stipulations are made . such contents as arbitral scope of accepting cases , forms of arbitral agreement and the recognition and implementation of arbitrament make reference for the perfection of the abitral stipulation of our state 后又指出仲裁制度完善應堅持的原則,要把握好尺度,把準方向,與國際接軌,反映國際仲裁發展趨勢,體現中國特色等,最后對我國現行《仲裁法》的修改完善從外在結構和具體法律規定兩方面提出修改建議及理由,內容包括仲裁的受案范圍,法院監督,仲裁機構的設立與管理,仲裁協議的形式、內容和效力,仲裁程序規則,裁決的承認和執行,涉外仲裁制度,仲裁形式多樣化等八個方面,為我國仲裁制度的完善提供參考。

International commercial arbitration right ( power ) in the space dimension is divided into three aspects , i . e . , the conclusion of the arbitration agreement , the composition of the arbitration tribunal and the delivery of arbitrament . international commercial arbitration right ( power ) in the time dimension falls into three periods which include the primitive society , the class society and the communist society . as a conclusion , the characteristics of international commercial arbitration right ( power ) may be generalized as complexity , which means it is giving birth by contract and judicature and has its independent identity 動態分析在空間和時間的參照下從不同層面進行,首先是以空間為參照,將國際商事仲裁抽象地大致劃分為三個階段,即從仲裁協議簽訂到仲裁庭的組建、再到仲裁裁決的作出、再到裁決執行完畢,對國際商事仲裁權進行剖析,可歸納出其性質的辨證運動:契約性一契約性或綜合性(契約性遞減而司法性遞增的綜合)一契約性或司法性;其次是以時間為參照,從原始社會、階級社會和共產主義社會三個層面對國際商事仲裁權進行分析,可歸納出其性質的辨證運動:契約性*綜合性(契約性與司法性的綜合)一契約性。

1 ) consultation , 2 ) mediation , conciliation , reconciliation , 3 ) arbitration , 4 ) the penal , 5 ) appeal , 6 ) supervision on perform of the arbitrament and proposal what dsb decided . 7 ) punishment ( compensation and retaliation ) chapter introduced the international practice of the dispute settlement mechanism . it included two sections . section introduced the function of the dispute settlement mechanism 作者認為wto爭端解決機制是一把“雙刃劍“ :它一方面,通過政治的或法律的手段解決世貿組織成員間的貿易爭端,保障國際經濟貿易的正常開展;另一方面,世界貿易組織只是一個國際性組織,對擁有國家主權或地方性權利的成員方的約束是通過wto協定來實現的,這些協定是各成員方協商的結果,缺乏強制性。

It will also give a systematical analysis focused on the following problems of domestic construction expenditure compensation claiming : problems of construction project participants , problems of avoiding expenditure compensation - claiming risks , power of supervision and nodus of dealing with expenditure compensation - claiming , dilemma of contractors “ in face of system of project compensation - claiming , difficulty of arbitrament on expenditure compensation - claiming of the arbitration department , data management of evidence of expenditure compensation - claiming , problems of judging values of the expenditure compensation - claiming , and ways of judging values of the expenditure compensation - claiming and ways of solving expenditure compensation - claiming dispute 本文結合我國施工合同文本、施工索賠有關法律依據、從承包商的角度出發,主要對費用索賠的原因、分類、作用、條款、索賠事件的費用的構成進行系統的論述。并重點對國內施工費用索賠存在以下的問題進行系統分析:工程建設參與主體存在的問題、費用索賠風險防范問題、監理的權力及處理費用索賠難點、承包商面臨工程索賠機制的困境、仲裁部門對費用索賠裁決難點、費用索賠證據的資料管理、費用索賠計價依據存在問題和費用索賠計價方法、解決費用索賠爭議的方法。

In this thesis , we focus on fair exchange protocols and their applications in electronic contract . the primary research is summarized as follows : characteristic and applicable scope of automatic execution protocol , arbitration protocol and arbitrament protocol are summarized 本文主要研究電子商務中的公平交換協議及其在電子合同簽署方面的應用,具體的研究內容包括如下幾個方面:總結自動執行協議、仲裁協議和裁決協議的特點和適用范圍。

( the review condition should be record into “ new product contract review form ” or “ normal product contract / order review form ” and sign for approval , review demurral should be coordinate by technology , if necessary , arbitrament by general manager assistant / general manager 評審情況應記錄在“新產品合同評審表”或“常規產品合同/訂單評審表”內并簽字認可,評審異議由技術部協調,必要時由總裁助理/總裁裁決。

Legal logic is useful in the processes of commanding legal concept , using legal concept , upbuilding and grasping proposition logically and carrying on legal reasoning accordingly , and doing logic reasoning for the legal arbitrament and legal ideas which are to be made 法律邏輯有助于準確掌握和運用法律概念,合乎邏輯地建立和把握命題并進行法律推理,對即將作出的法律裁決或法律意見進行邏輯論證。

Abstract : the arbitrament to scientific character of tcm should be on basis of the non - neutrality measure of value . by analyse the history and future of tcm , we must change our original views of science to expand the field of tcm in future 文摘:對中醫的科學性評價,應考慮到評判價值的非中立性,通過對中醫的歷史及未來發展的分析和我們科學觀念的改變去完成。

In order to reduce the burden of enterprise in debt , creditor can consult with debtor to implement debt restructuring , amend the term of repaying the debts according to the agreement with debtor or the arbitrament of court 為了減輕債務企業的負擔,債權人可以通過與債務人協商,按照與債務人達成的協議或法院的裁決修改債務償還條件,實施債務重組。

The european commission is reviewing the suit , and will release its arbitrament with regard to application for temporary anti - dumping measures no later than mid april 歐洲委員會目前正對此進行審理,最遲將于4月中旬做出臨時反傾銷措施的裁決。

The dsb ' s arbitraments on the hormone case , the salmon case and variety testing case provide practical base for comprehending this principle 爭端解決機構對荷爾蒙案、鮭魚案和品種測試案的裁決為理解這一原則提供了實踐依據。

A brief discussion on court ' s repeal about arbitraments of international commercial arbitration 論法院對國際商事仲裁裁決的撤銷

Study on arbitrament of disputes occurred in international - based project management 基于國際工程項目管理中的爭端裁決研究

Try to talk about the international trade arbitrament 試論國際貿易仲裁。

The judicial review on the arbitrament of court 論法院對仲裁裁決的司法審查