
arbitral adj.仲裁(人)的,公斷(人)的。


The arbitration commission may remind the arbitrator of any issue related to the form of the arbitral award on condition that the arbitrator ' s independence of decision is not affected 在不影響仲裁員獨立裁決的情況下,仲裁委員會可以就裁決書的形式問題提請仲裁員注意。

China also exercises the arbitration system , and the arbitration institutions assume the responsibility of ensuring the quality of arbitral awards 所有這些,歸根到底都取決于我們是否能在市場經濟的各行業的專家中選出能夠迅速處理各類民商事糾紛的人士擔任仲裁員。

3 . this convention shall continue to be applicable to arbitral awards in respect of which recognition or enforcement proceedings have been instituted before the denunciation takes effect 3對于在退約生效前已經進入承認或執行程序的仲裁裁決,本公約應繼續適用。

2 . recognition and enforcement of an arbitral award may also be refused if the competent authority in the country where recognition and enforcement is sought finds that 2被請求承認和執行仲裁裁決的國家主管機關如果查明有下列情況,也可以拒絕承認和執行:

Consumer and the person that sell , mender , or generator reachs arbitral agreement , the arbitral orgnaization that can establish to the country applies for adjudication 消費者與銷售者、修理者,或生產者達成仲裁協議的,可以向國家設立的仲裁機構申請裁決。

Each party shall produce relevant , non - privileged documents or copies thereof requested by the other party within the time limits set by the arbitral tribunal 雙方應該在仲裁法庭規定的時間內出示對方要求的相關、無優先權的文件或副本。

The number of arbitrators shall be one ; the seat of arbitration shall be basel , switzerland ; the language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be english 仲裁者一人,仲裁所在地為瑞士之巴賽爾,仲裁過程中使用之語言為英語。

The full development of international commercial arbitration , however , depends on the recognition and implementation of arbitral awards by the native courts 然而,國際商事仲裁的發展有賴于其裁決能否得到各國法院的承認和實際執行。

The arbitration tribunal may likewise correct any errors in writing on its own initiative within 30 days from the date on which the arbitral award is issued 仲裁庭也可以在發出仲裁裁決書之日起30天內自行以書面形式作出更正。

When the arbitration tribunal cannot attain a majority opinion , the arbitral award shall be decided in accordance with the presiding arbitrator ' s opinion 仲裁庭不能形成多數意見時,仲裁裁決依首席仲裁員的意見作出。

3 no period of grace may be granted to the buyer by a court or arbitral tribunal when the seller resorts to a remedy for breach of contract 如果賣方對違反合同采取某種補救辦法,法院或仲裁庭不得給予買方寬限期。

3 no period of grace may be granted to the seller by a court or arbitral tribunal when the buyer resorts to a remedy for breach of contract 如果買方對違反合同采取某種補救辦法,法院或仲裁庭不得給予賣方寬限期。

He has represented clients in arbitral and court proceedings over shipping and maritime law cases in all these jurisdictions 在以上這些法律管轄區內,他曾代表客戶進行仲裁和法庭程序,解決航運和海事法律案件。

It shall also apply to arbitral awards not considered as domestic awards in the state where their recognition and enforcement are sought 在一國家尋求承認和執行該國不認為是其國內仲裁裁決時,也適用本公約。

Neither party may bring a suit before a law court or make a request to any other organization for revising the arbitral award 任何一方當事人均不得向法院起訴,也不得向其他任何機構提出變更仲裁裁決的請求。

Article 83 the arbitration tribunal shall render an arbitral award within 6 months as from the date on which the arbitration tribunal is formed 第八十三條仲裁庭應當在仲裁庭組成后6個月內作出仲裁裁決書。

Our receipt of an order from a court or arbitral tribunal , in each case of competent jurisdiction , requiring such action ; and or B 、我方收到由具備有效管轄權的法院或仲裁法庭發出的如此要求的命令;以及/或

Article 52 the arbitration tribunal shall render an arbitral award within 9 months as from the date on which the arbitration tribunal is formed 第五十二條仲裁庭應當在組庭之日起九個月內作出仲裁裁決書。

It is a new question in american arbitral practice that parties contract for expanding the scope of the judicial review of arbitral awards 摘要仲裁當事人協議擴大司法審查范圍是美國仲裁實踐中的新問題。