
arbitrage n.1.〔古語〕裁判;仲裁。2.【商業】套利,套匯〔指在...


Obviously , arbitrage is stronger than essential arbitrage ; so essential arbitrage is not allowed is stronger than no arbitrage 顯然“可套利”比“可本性套利”更強,因此“不可本性套利”比“無套利”更嚴。

In general , we can only obtain an arbitrage - free interval for the real option in the incomplete markets 在非完全市場里,只有無套利原則不能得到實物期權的唯一定價,在一般情況下只能得到一個無套利定價區間。

The market non - efficiency is the surviving solid of arbitraging , and the flourish of arbitraging promotes the market efficiency 市場的非完全有效是套利交易的共同基礎,套利行為的活躍反過來改進市場的效率。

Over time , hong kong manufacturerstraders will place less emphasis on quota arbitrage in deciding on the whereabouts for apparel production 今后,港商選擇服裝生產地時,配額套利將不再是重要的考慮因素。

What this means in practical terms is that market activities such as arbitraging have moved away from the exchange floor to the data center 在實際中這就意味著套利行為從證券交易所的地板轉移到了數據中心。

Over time , hong kong manufacturers traders will place less emphasis on quota arbitrage in deciding on the whereabouts for apparel production 今后,港商選擇服裝生產地時,配額套利將不再是重要的考慮因素。

It was expected that these interest arbitrage trades would lead to further reductions in the size of the aggregate balance 預期這些利息套戥交易將會使總結馀進一步減少,同時銀行同業拆息可能會進一步上升。

However , some are created for certain institutions to take advantage of arbitrage opportunities , or tricky derivative strategies 而且,一些被創造出來給某些機構去充分利用套利機會,或投機的衍生戰略。

There are three basic pattern of arbitraging , cross market arbitraging , cross term arbitraging and cross commodity arbitraging 套利交易包括跨市套利、跨期套利和跨商品套利三種基本的模式。

They have also argued that an arbitrage mechanism to facilitate price equalisation would not be in the interest of hong kong 他們又指出使價格趨于一致的套戥機制并不符合香港利益。

Too much money tends to dilute returns , as happened to one sector ( convertible arbitrage ) in 2005 太多的資金會導致收益的稀釋,正如在2005發生在可轉換債券套利部門的情況那樣。

Most results of the traditional finance theory were based on the principle of no arbitrage opportunity exists 傳統金融學的許多理論結果都是以“無套利機會存在”作為前提的。

Additionally , it can lead to an arbitrage position as an investor attempts to lock in a small return at expiry 同時,當投資者打算鎖定到期時的最小收益時,可以產生套利機會。

Founder and president of first french peace society since 1889 called socit franaise pour l arbitrage entre nations Frdric passy國際和平聯盟和各國議會聯盟的創始人

Nevertheless , it is still a puzzle why such a glaring anomaly has not been arbitraged away 不過,人們仍然疑惑為什么人人可辨的市場超常沒有被套利呢。

It is important to note that we are not seeking to engage in regulatory arbitrage 我必須指出,在香港經營人民幣業務的目的,并不是要逃避內地的監管。

The elimination of riskless profit opportunities in the futures market is referred to as arbitrage 期貨市場上消除無風險的利潤機會被稱為套利。

Finally the valuation of the insurance surrender option is made with no - arbitrage theory 最后運用無套利分析方法對保單退保期權進行了定價。

Arbitrage pricing theory 套利定價理論