
arbiter n.1.仲裁人,調停人,公斷人。2.裁決者,決定者。

Britney spears and paris hilton have been named the worst dressed celebrities of 2006 , according to an annual list from us fashion critic “ mr . blackwell . “ the poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and spears and hilton have been regularly photographed together enjoying nights out on the town in the wake of spears 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and fashion deprived . 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!沒有一點風格,毫無時尚感可言! ”

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and fashion deprived . 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢? ?漕? ?豌豆!沒有一點風格,毫無時尚感可言! ”

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and fashion deprived . 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!

But according to its editor , jo aitchison , the new book “ etiquette for girls “ is a sign that the traditional arbiters of civility are catching up with the times 德布雷特編輯喬?艾奇遜說,新書《女子禮儀》是傳統禮儀權威與時俱進的標志。

But according to its editor , jo aitchison , the new book “ etiquette for girls “ is a sign that the traditional arbiters of civility are catching up with the times 德布雷特編輯喬艾奇遜說,新書女子禮儀是傳統禮儀權威與時俱進的標志。

Jesus replied , “ man , who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you ? 14耶穌說、你這個人、誰立我作你們斷事的官、給你們分家業呢。


Then the designs of modules mentioned in the scheme are discussed in detail . the main contents of the dissertation include : 1 . to satisfy the need of a16 / d16 single - cycle and block data transfer capability , the method of the state machine and diagram are adopted . the arbiter , requester , interrupter , interrupter handler modules are also implemented by use of the state machine . these modules are verified theoretically by using timing simulation 本文具體工作如下: 1 .用狀態機和電路圖的方式實現了vme總線a16 / d16單周期數據讀寫和塊傳輸功能;并用狀態機設計了vme總線請求器,總線仲裁器,中斷器和中斷處理器等,并進行了時序仿真。

On the basis of working as arbiter in china fourth city sports , the author analyze the management of arbiters of track and filed , the diathesis of moral , the level of occupstion . and many problems in deep sense . through aralysis and study , the author put forward countermeasured suggestions to educate better arbiter 以四城會田徑裁判工作為視角,分析我國當前田徑裁判員隊伍的管理、道德素養、業務水平等現狀,以及從深層次領域里暴露出的問題進行研究,找出對策,為培養我國高水平裁判員隊伍提供依據。

Much - maligned pluto would remain a planet and its largest moon plus two other heavenly bodies would join earth ' s neighborhood under a draft resolution to be formally presented wednesday to the international astronomical union the arbiter of what is and is not a planet 天文學家16日在此間舉行的國際天文學聯合會大會上正式提交有關行星定義的決議草案,這份草案如獲通過,太陽系行星將擴充至12顆。注釋: astronomer : n .天文學家

For the first two illegal moves made by a player , the arbiter shall give two minutes extra time to his opponent in each instance ; for a third illegal move by the same player , the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player 當一名棋手出現兩次走出不符合規則的棋時,裁判有權每次通過給對手額外增加兩分鐘的方式對棋手給予處罰;當同一棋手出現第三次走出不符合規則的棋時,裁判將宣布該名棋手輸棋。

Britney spears and paris hilton have been named the worst dressed celebrities of 2006 , according to an annual list from us fashion critic “ mr . blackwell . “ the poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and spears and hilton have been regularly photographed together enjoying nights out on the town in the wake of spears 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!

The questions raised anew by hwang ' s fall are whether nature and science have become too powerful as arbiters of what science reaches the public , and whether the journals are up to their task as gatekeepers 黃禹錫事件讓這些問題重新被提出來,是否《自然》和《科學》雜志作為科學公諸于眾的仲裁者權利變得太大了,這些雜志是否能勝任他們的把關任務。

In the forensic field , the final arbiters of quality are the courts where experts under examination and cross - examination submit their results to the scrutiny of the opposing experts and the judge and jury 在法醫學領域,質量的最后仲裁者是法庭,在法庭上,在詢問和交叉詢問下,專家證人提交他們的鑒定結果交給對方專家、法官和陪審團進行詳細審查。

In hardware design , a storage bus arbiter with a scalable interface for data acquiation channels was realized by fpga ( field programmable gates array ) , by which multi daq channels were supported 本系統的硬件設計中,利用fpga設計了包含可擴展的數據采集通道接口的存儲總線仲裁邏輯,支持多通道數據采集。

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and fashion deprived . 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢里的兩顆豌豆!沒有一點風格,毫無時尚感可言! ”

The poison - penned arbiter of style described newly single spears and celebrity socialite hilton as “ two peas in an over - exposed pod ! style - free and fashion deprived . 這位時尚“毒舌”對剛回歸單身的布蘭妮和豪門女星希爾頓給出了這樣的評價: “活像過度曝光豆莢? ?漕? ?豌豆!沒有一點風格,毫無時尚感可言! ”