
aramco ARAMCO = Arabian-American Oi...


Saudi aramco has not released enough data to quash a theory that its oil reserves are not nearly as large as it contends , and that its output may have peaked 有一種理論認為沙特石油公司的實際石油儲備量并沒有其聲稱的那樣多,而且它的產量已經達到了頂峰,但是沙特石油公司未能提供足夠的數據來反駁這理論。

Senior leaders from exxon mobile and saudi aramco and several other companies communicated with zhuhai delegation 埃克森美孚、沙特國家石油等企業的高層就此專門與珠海代表團進行了交流。

( saudi light crude oil ? 3 millions bbls monthly , 36 months . the buyer should be registered with aramco 有一約旦公司欲出售石油。每月300萬桶,可供36個月。

Aramco says five of the dead were aramco employees , while others were contract workers 阿美公司說,死者中有5人是阿美公司的雇員,其他人是合同工人。

They control aramco , so that puts them into exxon , texaco and mobil oil 他們還控制著阿拉伯-美國石油公司,進而控制著埃克森、德士古和美孚的原油