
aramaic n.阿拉米語〔古代西南亞的通用語言〕 (略 Aram.)...

The inscription , in the aramaic language , appears on an empty ossuary , or limestone burial box for bones . it reads : “ james , son of joseph , brother of jesus . 這份墓志銘寫在一個空的存放尸骨的石灰石盒子上,上面用亞拉姆語寫道: “詹姆士,約瑟夫之子,耶酥之兄。

Then the chaldeans spoke to the king in aramaic : “ o king , live forever ! tell the dream to your servants , and we will declare the interpretation . 但2 : 4迦勒底人、用亞蘭的言語對王說、愿王萬歲、請將那夢告訴仆人、仆人就可以講解。


These texts were translated by edmond bordeaux szekely from ancient hebrew and aramaic manuscripts in the secret archives of the vatican and from old slavonic writings in the royal library of the hapsburgs now the property of the austrian government . you can also read summary versions of these books by visiting 這兩本書是愛德蒙波爾多杰克利edmond bordeaux szekely譯自古代希伯來文與阿拉姆語的手抄本,這些手抄本是他在梵諦網的神秘檔案,以及位于古代斯拉夫的哈布斯堡皇家圖書館所有權目前屬于奧地利政府中發現的。

John 1 : 1 this was substantiated when the late dr . edmond bordeaux szekely , philologist , archaeologist , and co - founder of the international biogenic society , accidentally came upon secret aramaic texts in the vatican , which date back to the third century after the death of jesus 柴可利博士是一位語言學家兼考古學家,而且是國際生物遺傳學會的創始人之一。他曾經意外地在梵諦網發現了一份源于耶穌基督去世后的第三世紀的秘密阿拉姆語經文。

He also tries speaking with the heads of various christian churches , but they respond by giving him a test on religion with 50 questions written in ancient aramaic ! finally , he is taken to court for standing up to a self - involved television evangelist 他也嘗試和許多基督教教堂的主教談論此事,然而,他們卻出給他一份用古代阿拉姆語所寫的測驗卷,上面總共列了五十個有關宗教的問題。

According to one of the world ' s leading specialist in ancient inscriptions , andre lemaire of the sorbonne university in paris , the aramaic words etched on the box ' s side show a cursive form of writing used only from about 10 to 70 ad 根據世界上首屈一指的碑銘研究家,巴黎索邦大學的李梅爾教授表示,刻在藏骨棺旁邊的阿拉姆文字,是以一種僅在西元10到70年間使用的草寫方式完成的。

And eliakim the son of hilkiah and shebnah and joah said to rab - shakeh , please speak to your servants in aramaic , because we understand it ; and do not speak with us in the jews ' language in the hearing of the people who are upon the wall 26希勒家的兒子以利亞敬、舍伯那和約亞對軍長說,求你用亞蘭語和仆人說話,因為我們懂得;不要用猶大語和我們說話,免得達到城墻上百姓的耳中。

When it has all been read - mainly in greek , but sometimes in latin , hebrew , coptic , syriac , aramaic , arabic , nubian and early persian - the new material will probably add up to around five million words 這些文獻主要用希臘語,但有時用拉丁語、希伯來語、古埃及語、古敘利亞語、亞拉姆語、阿拉伯語、努比亞語和早期波斯語,當人們讀通所有文獻后,新發現材料的總字數將達五百萬字。

And in the days of artaxerxes , bishlam , mithredath , tabeel , and the rest of his companions wrote to artaxerxes the king of persia ; and the script of the letter was written in aramaic and translated into aramaic 7亞達薛西在位的日子,比施蘭、米特利達、他別、和他們的同僚寫奏章給波斯王亞達薛西;奏章是用亞蘭文字寫的,譯為亞蘭方言。

Audio in aramaic , latin , hebrew , subtitles in chinese , english korean thai tagalog one of the most controvertial religious movie of the year , depicting the last 12 hours of jesus christ before his cruxification 阿拉姆語拉丁語希伯來語對白,中文繁體英文韓文泰文他加祿語字幕

The inscription , in the aramaic language , appears on an empty ossuary , or limestone burial box for bones . it reads : “ james , son of joseph , brother of jesus . 這份墓志銘寫在一個空的存放尸骨的石灰石盒子上,上面用亞拉姆語寫道: “詹姆士,約瑟夫之子,耶酥之兄。

Many of the jews read this sign , for the place where jesus was crucified was near the city , and the sign was written in aramaic , latin and greek 20有許多猶太人念這名號因為耶穌被釘十字架的地方、與城相近、并且是用希伯來、羅馬、希利尼、三樣文字寫的。

The original aramaic version was lost until several dead sea scroll fragments were discovered in qumran cave 4 - providing parts of the aramaic original 亞拉姆語原著已經丟失,直到幾個死海古卷碎片被發現于庫蘭的四號洞穴? ?提供了亞拉姆語原著的部分片斷。

Language : arabic is the official language . kurdish , armenian , aramaic , and turkish are also spoken , while french and english are widely understood 語言:官方語言為阿拉伯語,也講庫爾德語、亞美尼亞語、阿拉米語和土耳其語,廣泛使用法語及英語。

When pilate heard this , he brought jesus out and sat down on the judge ' s seat at a place known as the stone pavement ( which in aramaic is gabbatha ) 彼拉多聽見這話,就帶耶穌出來,到了一個地方,名叫鋪華石處,希伯來話叫厄巴大,就在那里坐堂。

Audio in aramaic , latin , hebrew one of the most controvertial religious movie of the year , depicting the last 12 hours of jesus christ before his cruxification 耶酥受難前12小時震撼經歷,全球最具爭議話題之作,一絲不茍呈現最真實的攝人故事!

Then the chaldeans spoke to the king in aramaic : “ o king , live forever ! tell the dream to your servants , and we will declare the interpretation . 但2 : 4迦勒底人、用亞蘭的言語對王說、愿王萬歲、請將那夢告訴仆人、仆人就可以講解。

Then the chaldeans spoke to the king in aramaic , o king , live forever ! tell the dream to your servants , and we will declare the interpretation 4迦勒底人用亞蘭語對王說,愿王萬歲!請將那夢告訴仆人,仆人就可以講解說明。

Carrying his own cross , he went out to the place of the skull ( which in aramaic is called golgotha ) 17他們就把耶穌帶了去耶穌背著自己的十字架出來、到了一個地方、名叫髑髏地、希伯來話叫各各他。