
aramaean 短語和例子Arameann.1.阿拉米人〔古敘利亞和美索...


[ bbe ] then eliakim , the son of hilkiah , and shebna and joah said to the rab - shakeh , will you kindly make use of the aramaean language in talking to your servants , for we are used to it , and do not make use of the jews ' language in the hearing of the people on the wall 希勒家的兒子以利亞敬、和舍伯那、并約亞、對拉伯沙基說、求你用亞蘭言語和仆人說話、因為我們懂得不要用猶大言語和我們說話、達到城上百姓的耳中。

Then eliakim , the son of hilkiah , and shebna and joah said to the rab - shakeh , will you kindly make use of the aramaean language in talking to your servants , for we are used to it , and do not make use of the jews ' language in the hearing of the people on the wall 希勒家的兒子以利亞敬、和舍伯那、并約亞、對拉伯沙基說、求你用亞蘭言語和仆人說話、因為我們懂得不要用猶大言語和我們說話、達到城上百姓的耳中。

[ bbe ] then eliakim and shebna and joah said to the rab - shakeh , please make use of the aramaean language in talking to your servants , for we are used to it , and do not make use of the jews ' language in the hearing of the people on the wall 以利亞敬,舍伯那,約亞,對拉伯沙基說,求你用亞蘭言語和仆人說話,因為我們懂得,不要用猶大言語和我們說話達到城上百姓的耳中。

Then eliakim and shebna and joah said to the rab - shakeh , please make use of the aramaean language in talking to your servants , for we are used to it , and do not make use of the jews ' language in the hearing of the people on the wall 以利亞敬,舍伯那,約亞,對拉伯沙基說,求你用亞蘭言語和仆人說話,因為我們懂得,不要用猶大言語和我們說話達到城上百姓的耳中。

[ bbe ] but gehazi , the servant of elisha , the man of god , said , now my master has taken nothing from naaman , this aramaean , of what he would have given him : by the living lord , i will go after him and get something from him 神人以利沙的仆人、基哈西心里說、我主人不愿從這亞蘭人乃縵手里受他帶來的禮物我指著永生的耶和華起誓、我必跑去追上他、向他要些。

And you shall respond and say before jehovah your god , a perishing aramaean was my father ; and he went down to egypt and sojourned there , few in number ; and he became there a great and mighty and numerous nation 5你要在耶和華你神面前回應說,我的祖先原是一個將亡的亞蘭人,下到埃及寄居;他人口稀少,在那里卻成了又大又強、人數眾多的國。

[ bbe ] and the aramaeans went in flight before israel ; and david put to the sword the men of seven thousand aramaean war - carriages and forty thousand footmen , and put to death shophach , the captain of the army 亞蘭人在以色列人面前逃跑大衛殺了亞蘭七千輛戰車的人、四萬步兵又殺了亞蘭的將軍朔法。

And the aramaeans went in flight before israel ; and david put to the sword the men of seven thousand aramaean war - carriages and forty thousand footmen , and put to death shophach , the captain of the army 亞蘭人在以色列人面前逃跑大衛殺了亞蘭七千輛戰車的人、四萬步兵又殺了亞蘭的將軍朔法。

So isaac sent jacob away : and he went to paddan - aram , to laban , son of bethuel the aramaean , the brother of rebekah , the mother of jacob and esau 以撒打發雅各走了,他就往巴旦亞蘭去,到亞蘭人彼土利的兒子拉班那里。拉班是雅各,以掃的母舅。

Isaac was forty years old when he took rebekah , the daughter of bethuel the aramaean of paddan - aram , and the sister of laban the aramaean , to be his wife 以撒因他妻子不生育、就為他祈求耶和華、耶和華應允他的祈求、他的妻子利百加就懷了孕。