
aram ARAM = Associate of the Roya...

Now the king of aram had ordered his chariot commanders , “ do not fight with anyone , small or great , except the king of israel . 30先是亞蘭王吩咐車兵長說、他們的兵將、無論大小、你們都不可與他們爭戰、只要與以色列王爭戰。

Now the king of aram was warring against israel ; and he counseled with his servants saying , “ in such and such a place shall be my camp . 王下6 : 8亞蘭王與以色列人爭戰、和他的臣仆商議說、我要在某處某處安營。


These be the sons of leah , which she bare unto jacob in padan - aram , with his daughter dinah : all the souls of his sons and his daughters were thirty and three 創46 : 15這是利亞在巴旦亞蘭給雅各所生的兒子、還有女兒底拿兒孫共三十三人。

Arise , go to padan - aram , to the house of bethuel thy mother ' s father ; and take thee a wife from thence of the daughters of laban thy mother ' s brother 創28 : 2你起身往巴旦亞蘭去、到你外祖彼土利家里、在你母舅拉班的女兒中、娶一女為妻。

These are the sons of leah , whom she bore to jacob in paddan - aram , along with his daughter dinah . his sons and his daughters were thirty - three persons in all 15這些是利亞在巴旦亞蘭給雅各所生的兒子,還有女兒底拿。兒孫共三十三人。

The lord provided a deliverer for israel , and they escaped from the power of aram . so the israelites lived in their own homes as they had before 5耶和華賜給以色列人一位拯救者、使他們脫離亞蘭人的手于是以色列人仍舊安居在家里。

And he went out to battle , and jehovah delivered cushan - rishathaim the king of aram into his hand ; and his hand prevailed over cushan - rishathaim 他出去爭戰,耶和華將米所波大米王古珊利薩田交在他手中,他的手便強過古珊利薩田。

Do not lose heart because of these two smoldering stubs of firewood - because of the fierce anger of rezin and aram and of the son of remaliah 不要因亞蘭王利汛和利瑪利的兒子,這兩個冒煙的火把頭所發的烈怒害怕,也不要心里膽怯。

So the lord ' s anger burned against israel , and for a long time he kept them under the power of hazael king of aram and ben - hadad his son 3于是,耶和華的怒氣向以色列人發作,將他們屢次交在亞蘭王哈薛和他兒子便哈達的手里。

Now the king of aram had ordered his chariot commanders , “ do not fight with anyone , small or great , except the king of israel . 30先是亞蘭王吩咐車兵長說、他們的兵將、無論大小、你們都不可與他們爭戰、只要與以色列王爭戰。

[ niv ] these were the sons leah bore to jacob in paddan aram , besides his daughter dinah . these sons and daughters of his were thirty - three in all 這是利亞在巴旦亞蘭給雅各所生的兒子,還有女兒底拿。兒孫共有三十三人。

All these , together with his daughter dinah , were the children of leah , whom jacob had by her in paddan - aram ; they were thirty - three in number 這是利亞在巴旦亞蘭給雅各所生的兒子,還有女兒底拿。兒孫共三十三人。

[ bbe ] the sons of shem : elam and asshur and arpachshad and lud and aram and uz and hul and gether and meshech 閃的兒子是以攔,亞述,亞法撒,路德,亞蘭,烏斯,戶勒,基帖,米設(米設創世記十章二十三節作瑪施) 。

These were the sons leah bore to jacob in paddan aram , besides his daughter dinah . these sons and daughters of his were thirty - three in all 這是利亞在巴旦亞蘭給雅各所生的兒子,還有女兒底拿。兒孫共有三十三人。

He went with joram , the son of ahab , to make war on hazael , king of aram , at ramoth - gilead : and joram was wounded by the aramaeans 他與亞哈的兒子約蘭、同往基列的拉末去、與亞蘭王哈薛爭戰亞蘭人打傷了約蘭。

Aram chaos , a 280 - kilometer - diameter crater , has an outflow channel and is filled with layered rocks that contain hematite 阿拉姆裂地(一個直徑280公里的隕石坑)有個向外流的渠道,并且充滿了含赤鐵礦的巖層。

Now the king of aram was warring against israel ; and he counseled with his servants saying , “ in such and such a place shall be my camp . 王下6 : 8亞蘭王與以色列人爭戰、和他的臣仆商議說、我要在某處某處安營。

And he took geshur , and aram , with the towns of jair , from them , with kenath , and the towns thereof , even threescore cities 23后來基述人和亞蘭人奪了睚珥的城邑,并基納和其鄉村,共六十個。

[ bbe ] and geshur and aram took the tent - towns of jair from them , with kenath and the small places round it , even sixty towns 后來基述人和亞蘭人奪了睚珥的城邑,并基納和其鄉村,共六十個。