
aragonite n.【礦物】霰石,文石。


In this thesis , aragonite whisker was synthesized by introducing co2 into ca ( oh ) 2 suspension mixed with mgcl2 . the hyphenated technique of microscope - microcomputer was used to examine the morphology and microstructure of the products . the effects of reaction temperature , concentration of mgcl2 , ph value of the initial suspension , flow velocity of co2 , and stirring strength on the formation of the polymorphs of calcium carbonate were examined 本文利用改進的碳化法制備了文石相碳酸鈣晶須,采用高倍顯微鏡一計算機聯用技術、掃描電鏡和x射線衍射儀進行產品形貌觀察和晶型分析,討論了溫度、 mgcl _ 2濃度、初始ph值、 co _ 2的流速、攪拌速度等因素對制備文石相碳酸鈣晶須的影響。

Main conclusions of this work are drawn as follows : 1 ) in nacre of hyriopsis cumingii ( lea ) shell , the aragonite crystallites exist two kinds of orientation , one . which is generally accepted , is the c axis of aragonite perpendicular to nacreous layers , the second , which is proposed in this paper , is the [ 012 ] axis of aragonite perpendicular to nacreous layers 本文所獲得的主要成果有: 1 )明確提出三角帆蚌珍珠層中文石晶體的擇優取向除了存在公認的其c軸垂直珍珠層面外,還存在其[ 012 ]軸垂直珍珠層面的新取向。

3 ) in shell of hyriopsis cumingii ( lea ) , the prismatic layers and the nacreous layers are all composed of aragonite minerals , and aragonite crystallites in prismatic layers show obviously preferential orientation of [ 012 ] axis perpendicular to the shell layers , so it is considered that the orientation of aragonite crystallites in prismatic layers perhaps play an important role in deciding the orientation of aragonite crystallites in nacre and acts as one of template to resulting the formation of aragonite with [ 012 ] orientation perpendicular to nacreous layers in nacre 3 )與海水貝殼明顯不同的是,三角帆蚌棱柱層礦物相與珍珠層一樣皆為文石相,同時查明棱柱層中文石晶體具[ 012 ]軸垂直殼層面的明顯的擇優取向。本文認為,三角帆蚌棱柱層中文石晶體的擇優取向可能對珍珠層中文石晶體的擇優取向存在模板導向的作用,導致珍珠層[ 012 ]定向的文石晶體的形成。

In this thesis , the stearic acid and titanate - coupling agent were used to modify the surface of aragonite whisker . the ir - spectrograph analysis and the suspending - experiment showed that the two ingredients were effective to modify the aragonite whisker , and the titanate - coupling agent was better than stearic acid 紅外光譜儀分析和懸浮實驗表明二者均能有效地對文石相碳酸鈣晶須實行改性,且達到完全改性時鈦酸酯用量少于硬酯酸。

Thus , the system could be kept at a lower super - saturation state under the condition of higher concentration of ca2 + to obtain aragonite whisker . the surface of aragonite must be modified to overcome the shortcomings leading to poor dispersion and combination with polymer materials 為了解決作為無機填料由于表面親水疏油而在聚合物材料內部分散性差、與高聚物本體結合力差等的缺點,必須對文石相碳酸鈣晶須進行表面改性。

In pearls , the nacreous layers are generally translucent and composed completely of aragonite , whereas layers without pearly luster are opaque and composed of aragonites and / or vaterites with their relative concentrations different in different pearls 其中具珍珠光澤的珍珠層一般呈半透明狀,均?文石組成;無珍珠光澤的不透明層有時由文石組成,有時由六方碳鈣石組成。

The result indicated that with the molar rate of magnesium ions to calcium ions increased , the ability of magnesium ions to induced aragonite was enhanced , and when the molar rate reached to 8 . 0 , the products would be aragonite only 結果表明隨m創ca摩爾比的增大,鎂離子誘導文石的能力增強;當m留ca摩爾比達到8 . 0的時候,形成的沉淀全是文石。

Studies on the preparation of aragonite whisker and its growth mechanism are meaningful at theory and practice to develop traditional calcium carbonate industry , new materials and theory of crystal growth 制備文石相碳酸鈣晶須的研究對促進我國傳統碳酸鈣產業、新材料的開發以及晶體生長理論的發展都具有重要的理論意義和實踐意義。

The influx of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere has caused the saturation horizons for aragonite and calcite to shift closer to the surface by 50 to 200 meters compared with where they were positioned in the 1800s 大氣的二氧化碳匯入海中,已經導致方解石和霰石的飽和線往上移動,比1800年代更接近海面50 ~ 200公尺。

They are said to be “ undersaturated . ” shallow , warm surface waters are described as “ supersaturated ” with respect to both calcite and aragonite , meaning that these minerals have no tendency to dissolve 海洋淺層的溫暖海水,對方解石和霰石則為過飽和,代表這兩種礦物不傾向溶解。

Blue aragonite is rarely mineral assumed resembling fibers . these aggregation are brightly blue and likes mountain . the form is beautiful and it is of good sight value 藍文石是一種較少見的礦物晶體.常呈纖維狀產出.該集合體為鮮艷的藍色.纖維結構明顯.造型奇特.具有極高的觀賞和收藏價值

There may be a little of dolomite in the spongy body . 3 . high content of sr and low content of mg found in cuttlebone is contributed to the formation of aragonite 在可溶性蛋白中有位于1654cm ~ ( - 1 )的氨基化合物存在,不溶性有機物中有強峰位于1539cln一,處,前者可能采用。

The results show that the pearls mainly contain aragonites , with some commercially useless pearls having vaterites in addition to aragonites 結果表明,浙江諸暨?三角帆蚌淡水珍珠的礦物組成主要?文石,在無商業價值的部分珍珠中存在六方碳鈣石。

The calcium carbonate in corals or in the shells of other marine creatures comes in two distinct mineral forms : calcite and aragonite 珊瑚或其他海洋生物外殼里的碳酸鈣,包含兩種完全不同的礦物形式:方解石和霰石。

Aragonite whisker is a kind of mono - crystal fibers , which have excellent properties 文石相碳酸鈣晶須是一種性能優異的單晶纖維材料。

Aragonite and magnesium calcite are more soluble than normal calcite 霰石和鎂方解石,比普通方解石更容易溶解。

Study on the property of paper filled by aragonite caco3 whisker 文石型碳酸鈣晶須填充紙張性能研究