
aragon n.阿拉貢〔西班牙東北部地名,古為一王國〕。


He had realized that the words : “ one of six to eight ” under the first picture in the book connected the hare in some way to katherine of aragon , the first of henry v ’ s six wives 他意識到書中第一幅畫下面“六到八之一”的字樣在某種程度上把那只兔子和來自阿拉貢的凱瑟琳? ?亨利八世6個妻子之首? ?聯系了起來。

Jose manuel pomar is a farmer from the aragon area of spain who attended the convention 瓊斯曼紐爾珀瑪是西班牙北部地區的一個農民,參加了此次會議。

In 1509 , england ' s king henry the eighth married catherine of aragon 1509年的今天,英國國王亨利八世和西班牙阿拉貢的凱瑟琳結婚。

Catherine of aragon 阿拉貢的凱瑟琳

Henry viii wanted to divorce catherine of aragon but the pope refused 亨利八世欲與阿拉貢的凱瑟琳離婚,但是教皇拒絕了。

Fellow knights of aragon 亞拉岡騎士團弟兄們

Fellow knights of aragon . . 亞拉?騎士團弟兄們

It represents the knights of aragon 亞拉岡騎士團的標記

It represents the knights of aragon . . 亞拉?騎士團的標記

Gentlemen , the knights of aragon 各位亞拉岡騎士團的弟兄們

Gentlemen , the knights of aragon . . 各位亞拉?騎士團的弟兄們