
arachnid n.蜘蛛網動物〔包括蝎子、蜘蛛、虱子等〕。

“ it makes sense actually , “ gorb said . “ we know that all the extremities of ancestor arachnids probably had this possibility to adhere during locomotion , for example , or during prey capture . “這很有可能, “戈爾博說, “我們認為所有的蛛形綱動物祖先在行走時可能都具有粘附的本領.比如,在它們捕食的時候.


The first tetrapods , or land - living vertebrates , appeared during the devonian , as did the first terrestrial arthropods , including wingless insects and the earliest arachnids which had already ventured onto land during the silurian 第一tetrapods ,或土地生存脊椎動物,出現在泥盆紀期間,象第一地球節肢動物,包括已經冒險土地在西里瑞斯人期間的無翼的昆蟲和最早期的蜘蛛綱的動物。

Streams , rivers , wetlands and lakes are home for insects , crustaceans , molluscs , and arachnids . this illustrated fact sheet explains their role in the food chain , and how they are affected by chemical and physical conditions -介紹彰化社頭鄉的河流八堡圳的源頭八堡圳傳奇八堡圳的分流鴻門圳草仔雅埤員林大排水溝與河流污染。

Ambulance workers , including a helicopter crew , were called to the scene after the man poured petrol down the hole and then lit a match in an attempt to kill the offending arachnid 他將汽油澆到洞里,然后點了根火柴,試圖將這只不懷好意的蜘蛛燒死。之后,救護人員被召集到出事現場,其中包括一支直升機救護隊。

[ b ] 2 . [ / b ] he may be a self - confident billionaire capable of putting a brave face on any situation , but if a new law is anything to go by , silvio berlusconi is terrified of arachnids 他也許是一個自信的億萬富翁,能勇敢的面對任何情況,但是如果根據這個法律來判斷,貝盧斯科尼非常害怕蜘蛛類節肢動物。

“ it makes sense actually , “ gorb said . “ we know that all the extremities of ancestor arachnids probably had this possibility to adhere during locomotion , for example , or during prey capture . “這很有可能, “戈爾博說, “我們認為所有的蛛形綱動物祖先在行走時可能都具有粘附的本領.比如,在它們捕食的時候.

2 . [ / b ] he may be a self - confident billionaire capable of putting a brave face on any situation , but if a new law is anything to go by , silvio berlusconi is terrified of arachnids 他也許是一個自信的億萬富翁,能勇敢的面對任何情況,但是如果根據這個法律來判斷,貝盧斯科尼非常害怕蜘蛛類節肢動物。

He may be a self - confident billionaire capable of putting a brave face on any situation , but if a new law is anything to go by , silvio berlusconi is terrified of arachnids 他也許是一個自信的億萬富翁,能勇敢的面對任何情況,但是如果根據這個法律來判斷,貝盧斯科尼非常害怕蜘蛛類節肢動物。

Gorb and colleagues found that zebra tarantulas secrete tiny bits of silk from nozzlelike structures in their feet . these tethers allow the arachnids to scale vertical surfaces 戈爾博和同事發現,斑馬紋狼蛛腳上有一個類似嘴的結構會分泌細小的絲.這些絲會幫助它們攀登垂直的表面

The hairy arachnid ' s venom was found to include chemicals that target the same pain pathways as chili peppers , causing maximum distress to bite victims 這種毛茸茸的節肢動物的毒素被發現同辣椒類植物有同樣的功效會令受害者極其不適。

Spiders are not insects , they are arachnids . ln fact , spiders love to eat insects 蜘蛛不是昆蟲,他們是蛛型綱動物。事實上,蜘蛛喜歡吃昆蟲。

Tell me why ? vol . 19 - animals arachnids 告訴我為甚么vol . 19 -動物百態

I want that wall - crawling arachnid prosecuted 我要讓那個爬墻的蜘蛛受到審判