
arable adj.1.適于耕種的,可耕的。2.〔英國〕從事農作物栽...


In recent years the studies on the arable land gradation and classification have a wide - ranging development and acquired outstanding achievements 近年來,農用地分等定級研究在全國廣泛開展,并取得了突出成績。

Dynamic balance within a province is a tendency of development because of the uneven distribution of arable land resources 摘要由于耕地資源分布的不平衡性,因此省域范圍內實現占補平衡是其發展的趨勢。

Then , the relations between the study of market - vegetable plot quality and the evaluation of land and arable land were elaborated 闡明了集貿市場-菜地質量關系研究與土地評價和農地評價的層級關系。

Diminishing returns may eventually set in as overworked employees lose efficiency or leave for more arable pastures 逐漸縮小的利潤最終開始,當過度工作的員工失去效率或是離開去了更好的地方。

The obvious features were marked by a sharp decrease of arable lands together with an increase trend for other landuse 主要特點是耕地面積的大幅度削減和其它類土地利用面積的不同程度的攀升。

In holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture 在荷蘭,人們攔海造田已開墾了成千上萬公頃的土地并將它們變成可耕地和牧場。

The limited availability of arable lands has forced farmers to encroach and cultivate sloping lands to meet food demands 有限的可耕地迫使農民開發和利用坡地資源來滿足對糧食的需求。

Multi - factor comprehensive evaluation model for the potential of arable land consolidation for yanqing district in beijing 北京延慶縣耕地整理潛力多因素綜合評價數據模型

Probe in the arable land resources for the sustainable agriculture development in nanpin municipality in the 21st century 21世紀我市可持續農業發展的耕地資源問題探討

Bangladesh is overcrowded and underserved by capital ; much of its arable land is periodically under water 孟加拉人口稠密,資金匱乏;其很多可耕地周期性遭洪水淹沒。

In holland thousands of hectares have been reclaimed from the sea and turned over to arable land and pasture 在荷蘭,成千上萬公頃的海面被改造成可耕地和牧場。

It has 5 . 54 million ha of arable land , 5 . 85 million ha of grassland and 8 . 05 million ha of forests 共擁有耕地554萬公頃,草地584萬公頃,林地805萬公頃。

Arable land consolidation potentiality evaluation based on fuzzy evaluation theory in daxing district in beijing 北京市大興區耕地整理潛力模糊評價研究

The region has little arable soil , and the mountainous landscape made for bad roads to the interior 這地方耕地稀少,山區地形使通往內陸的交通很差。

Earthworms , for example , turn acidic , coarse , and sterile soil into fertile , arable land 比方說,蚯蚓專門把酸酸硬硬不肥沃的地土,變成肥沃的土壤。

Preliminary study on total sulfur in typical marsh wetland and arable soils in sanjiang plain 三江平原典型濕地及其開墾后土壤中總硫變化的初步研究

They also smelted iron and manufactured pottery , but appear to have practised no form of arable agriculture 此外,還煉鐵制陶,但似乎不事農耕。

It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china 就是在這些耕地上,農民們生產了供全中國人口的糧食。

It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china 就是在這些可耕地上農民生產糧食供應著全國的人口。