
arabic adj.阿拉伯的;阿拉伯人[語]的。n.阿拉伯語。

arabic figures

A probe into arabic historiography in middle ages and its features 中世紀的阿拉伯史學及其特點初探

- do you speak arabic ? - yes , sir -你能說阿拉伯語碼? -能,先生

She needs to perfect her arabic before go to work in cairo 她需要把阿拉伯語學好才能到開羅工作。

Acefrs arabic chinese english french russian and spanish 阿拉伯文中文英文法文俄文和西班牙文

Property returns an arabic culture for an arabic operating system 屬性將返回阿拉伯語的區域性。

He demonstrated a mastery of arabic 他顯示了對阿拉伯語的精通。

Sino - arabic security cooperation under the new security conception 新安全觀視野下的中阿安全合作

The use of arabic in the dialects of the yunnan hui people 試論阿拉伯語在云南回族語言中的運用

He speaks russian , german , arabic . . 他會說俄語、德語、阿拉伯語…

Review and prospect of sino - arabic relations 中阿關系的回顧和展望

Analysis of chinese and arabic color words in cultural connotation 簡析中阿顏色詞的文化內涵

In arithmetic we use the arabic notation 在算術上我們用阿拉伯符號。

One of the ten arabic number symbols , 0 through9 數字十個阿拉伯數字符號從0到9中的任意一個

13 sot : sami al jaber ( arabic ) the training is very good 薩米?賈貝爾說:訓練進行的很好。

Sati al - husri ' s arabic nationalism thought and islam 胡斯里的阿拉伯民族主義思想與伊斯蘭教

On the history of the development of arabic modern poems 阿拉伯現代詩歌發展的歷史軌跡一

Arabic support includes kashida and diacritics (阿拉伯語支持包括kashida和音調符號。 )

Arabic economy in the course of globalization 全球化進程中的阿拉伯經濟

Middle east nationalism expressed in arabic poetry 中東民族主義在阿拉伯現代詩歌中的表現