
arabian adj.阿拉伯(半島)的;阿拉伯人的。 the Arab...

“ the arabian nights “ is a very interesting story - book 一千零一夜> >是一本非常有趣的故事書。


Arabian oil co . ltd 阿拉伯石油有限公司

Across the arabian desert 穿越阿拉伯沙漠

However , john martin has had an enquiry from the arabian government 實際上,約翰?馬丁已經收到阿拉伯加國政府的詢盤。

Kam pek arabian ' s night 金碧阿拉伯之夜娛樂場

Saudi arabian airlines 沙特阿拉伯航空公司sv

The influence and action of the cooperative committee of arabian gulf states 阿拉伯海灣國家合作委員會的影響與作用

In some arabian countries , shaking one ' s head from side to side means agreement 在一些阿拉伯國家,搖頭表示同意。

Arabian magic mirror arabia 阿拉伯魔鏡舞阿拉伯

Eyeing a saudi arabian prince 一位沙特王子的生活

Special stage in arabian coast 阿拉伯海岸特別舞臺

It ' s not just 100 arabians 不僅僅是一百個阿拉伯人

Famous historical arabian cities 阿拉伯歷史名城三

Kam pek arabian ' s night casino 金碧阿拉伯之夜娛樂場

Marine drive and watch the sun set into the arabian sea Marine drive漫步,欣賞獨特的阿拉伯海洋上的日落。

. . . into spending their short lives as whores for arabian tourists 她們將會當阿拉伯游客的妓女而活上幾年

The current situation and the prospect of arabian - israeli racial conflict 阿以民族沖突的現狀及解決前景

Are you doing a documentary on the saudi arabian embassy 你們是在做有關沙特阿拉伯大使館的記錄片嗎?

Into spending their short lives as whores for arabian tourists 她們將會當阿拉伯游客的妓女而活上幾年